Tuesday, April 14, 2009
5:50 AM
Hey world! This blog shall be retired as of now, or now, now! My new blog's URL is www.weapon-of-massive-consumption.blogspot.com . Start a new school year with a new blog!Adieu, for the last time, here. :]Labels: Adieu.
Monday, April 13, 2009
8:26 PM
Currently at the Mac training thing. Yes, it is so boring, I'm blogging right now. It's like over a period of 3 hours, and I'm shocked that I did not sleep on my MacBook.
I wanna go home right now. I'm dying from the boredom. Help!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
9:49 AM
Today, I mean yesterday, was life-draining. I am feeling so tired, and all I did was buy clothes, play pool, and eat. Ugh, the pre-school-opening blues are getting to me. Have been having hormone outbursts these days, and I didn't even know guys have these hormones. Been feeling tired, annoyed, pissed and fucked up from all the tiny little things this past week.

Kim, JiaJia, Jon, Melvin, Daryl, Pearl, JiaRui and I went to Tampines 1 today. Kim and I queued up to get into UNIQLO today. The queue was not as dreadful as it looked; It moved quite fast. I managed to get myself a decent pair of jeans today. They are EASY fit, the only kind that doesn't require me to suck it in. There was a long queue at the supposed female fitting room, so the staff suggested that I went to the supposed male fitting room, since it was shorter. The queue was short, but everyone in front of me was holding 4 to 8 clothes. So each person took like eons to finish trying their clothes. I tried on my jeans but it was too long. Had it altered, and that means I have to head back there on Thursday to get them back. Headed back to Hougang and checked out the coloured contacts stuff. Considering: GMask or coloured contacts? Went to play pool, and headed home.
Recently, I have been getting thirsty a lot. Not sure if it has something to do with diabetes. Kinda concerned, but at the same time too lazy to do shit about it. And I always have been suspecting myself to be suffering from cystic fibrosis. Phlegm is clogging up my throat, and it has been like this for a long time now.
I hate it when bus invade my room. I have a terrible fear of bugs, especially spiders. I always have a feeling that they will plant their eggs into my skin if I'm not careful enough. Why I'm saying this? Cos I just lost sight of a spider which I was supposed to kill if it weren't for it's stupid amazing jumping ability. Now I'm getting the heeby jeebies. It may just come up my legs.
School hasn't started yet, and I already got disturbing news that concerns life and death. Apparently, one of the levels in the FMS block is haunted. And it is supposedly a level of no return. I do hope the elevator doesn't die on me. Note to self: Always take the elevator with someone. Anyway, the rumours of the snobbiness of FMS students were true after all. I do hope I don't get more snobbish than I already am now. I'll be a bitch, and I'm not even a girl! But hopefully there would be a variety of people in my course, from corpulent to anorexic, snobby to geeky, cool to nerdy, smart to hopeless-beyond all reason. Like this, I can probably fit in a little better. If everyone were snobby, I would probably be alone and peerless. but at the same time, I do not wanna get caught up in any personalities, so I can have absolute focus on my studies. This is so much more different from secondary school, when you could just let your grades speak for themselves. I gotta claw my way through to the top, by hook or by crook(Hopefully not. That would be bitchy.).
Getting more sleepy than ever. Goodbye, and good luck.
Labels: Tired.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
8:52 AM
Feeling pretty fucked up about the ominous school opening. I have slacked so much I do not ever wanna do any work ever again. I rather be bored to death than to drown in fuckloads of work, worse still if I have no idea how stuff works.
Was never familiar with digital stuff. Hope someone else also has a hard time like me, especially those particular modules, like digital effects and stuff. Hope I don't spoil all the film-making devices. I am noob with all those technological stuff. Should have learnt how to fix up the OHD when I had the chance in secondary school. The only form of technology I'm familiar with is the computer and my phone. Maybe the remote control, and the microwave oven.
Hmm, the weather is fucking horrible. Wonder how the Africans survive without an air-conditioner. So sad. I'm perspiring with a fan blowing at me.
Gonna order my MacBook sleeve online. The sleeves are so cool, plus they are cheaper when ordered online, than going all the way to Funan Digitalife Mall to get it, which is more expensive there, though the competition there has rendered the stores good service.
Now I only have the jeans to worry about. Garh.
Labels: Poly is coming.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
10:53 AM
Oh gosh, 15 more days to the start of 3 years of educational torment! Hope it ain't too tough, like in those darn high school days. Being forced to study boring, tedious(This doesn't even cover it!) subjects to get through our days, what torture.
Today was pretty boring day, doing stuff to survive the boredom. Been playing FFX all day long, but what's pissing me off is that I can't play without my brother, cos he wants to watch. So I have to keep playing in intervals. Plus, I have to play it in secret with my brother at night. God, the sneaking around is killing me. Not me, helping my brother sneak to my room.
Now I'm just doing nothing. Actually, I have no idea why I'm awake. Grey's Anaotmy doesn't show on weekend nights. So I guess I have nothing else to do except sleep.
Gonna go to AJC for the family event thing. I'm finally gonna buy my Re:CoM. Yay! Need to keep in touch with my Kingdom Hearts roots.
Labels: Another boring post.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
2:17 AM
Whooo! I just got my pay! The amount was pretty surprisingly. More than what I had expected. Getting all the stuff ain't too hard now. Not gonna disclose my pay, but it is quite a lot for a job that has a low pay.
I am waiting for my brother to come back from school to start playing FFX. Watched 2 cutscenes without him(It was 2am.), so I feeling kinda guilty. Good thing I managed to find them on YouTube. Took the liberty to add them to my favourites.
I add the stupidest things to my favourites, in which most of them are recipes.
I am like seriously bored to the point I'm blogging about random stuff. Garh, what to do.
Labels: Random.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
11:05 AM
Happy April Fools' Day!
Wow, it's 19 days to the start of school. I can only do one thing. I must live my life as slacked as it can ever be, or else I will regret not doing that. Happen the same for Sec. 4, imagine where would I go if I wasn't mentally prepared for the school term. Moreover, it is a whole new environment, whole new bunch of people, a whole new chapter. Kinda having contradicting feelings. I am excited about the whole thing, but at the same time I am scared and depressed about leaving behind my sloth-ish lifestyle. It is a good life, and surprisingly, I did not gain a pound from being such a pig. Weight myself today, was so happy, I didn't gain any weight!
Went to the gym with Kim, JiaJia, Ernest and Melvin today. Took the wrong bus(Well, I didn't exactly know which bus I should taken. :x) and ended up walking to the gym. Good warm-up, literally. The sun was so warm, I thought I was in an oven. The sweltering heat made me sweat more than when I was at the gym, really! Lol. Anyway, on the way to the gym I realized I was broke, as in completely broke. Not a cent at all. My wallet has been burnt to nothing. Not a just a hole in my wallet anymore. Borrowed money from JiaJia and went to exercise. Got straight on the cycling thingy. Burned 153 calories after 20 minutes. Did a few more stuff and went to Hougang Mall. Went home and got to eat my steamed eggs! Finished like 3/4 of it. Around 10 eggs I think. Haha.
Nothing on tomorrow. Oh, I also turned down a tuition job. School's starting soon, not in the mood to work anymore.
Gonna watch Grey's Anatomy now, bye!
Labels: Gym.