Monday, March 30, 2009
11:30 AM
I have no idea why I'm blogging right now, cos I'm too freaking annoyed and tired to think.
The freaking enrolment status just doesn't freaking open. It's 31st March, it's supposed to be available! God, I don't wanna waste anymore time. Need to settle things ASAP. Things concerning the stupid lappies are just freaking taking the piss outta me.
The freaking Fujitsu Company refuse to give me a refund cos it is past the 7 day-warranty. And even if I refunded within then, they may not enable it either. If I don't get the lappy refunded, I am gonna be bankrupt after getting the MacBook. Fuck. Tomorrow, I have to call NP to seek assistance which is most probably pointless. I hate calling schools. I called them like a hundred times this month already. It's not like I'm so good at calling people. I don't know what to say, so why don't someone just help me call? It's like, I get scolded if I forget to ask something, which I had no idea I needed to ask. Ugh. Fuck.
Also, it is not a crime to be late for dinner for ten freaking minutes. It's not like I have to be there to start the meal. Please, it's not like I eat a lot for dinner. I ended finishing first even though I was the latest. God.
Labels: Pissed.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
10:54 AM
Today was a horribly boring day. It was just, duhhhh. It's one of those days where detailed description goes like this, "I wake up, then I go and brush my teeth, then I bathe, and then I dry myself, and then I eat breakfast with a spoon and a fork".
It was supposed to be a rather delightful day cos I have planned with my brother to head to the Bubble tea store to get something to bite on. Emotional eating kicks in when I'm feeling bored. We reached the store, and to our disappointment, it was fucking closed. Of all the days the store had to close, it had to close on the day when I am going there as a customer than a low-life worker. Like, it didn't close for a month, it wouldn't hurt to open just one more day. We were about to leave, but it started to rain. It's like the sky lost its mother or something, it just wouldn't stop raining. It just kept throwing down layers and layers of water. Ended up getting soaked.
Went blogskin searching just now. Found four which appealed to me. Ya, out of all the hundreds of skins, only 4 caught my eye. I have high standards for blogskins. When I stick to a skin, I stick to it for a long period of time. So skins need to be considered long and hard.
Starting my new blog's construction probably next week. Bye.
Labels: Drenched today.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
7:16 AM
It has been a while since I last blogged. Quite a lot of things have happened over past few days. Hmm, I have no idea where I should start.
Well, first of all, I quit my job. Yes, I am unemployed again! I am finally free from all the unnecessary kitchen politics, and not too mention unreasonable faults. Not missing it one bit. I can finally go back to the laid-back lifestyle I used to have before I started working. I can wake up in the early afternoon like before. I can waste my life sluggin on food, and I can waste my life somemore gaming like there's no tomorrow. Speaking of gaming, I still haven't bought my Re:CoM yet. It's sold at AMK Hub, at $70. Jane hasn't paid me back yet, so I can't buy it yet. :[
Went to the Sport's Day on Friday. It was quite fun. Kim, JiaJia, MJ and I went to Mac that morning for breakfast. We then walked to the stadium under the blazing hot sun. We were considered rather significant people to the school. We were able to give out the prizes for the C Boys Race. On top of that, we were judges for the cheerleading competition. The group I wanted to win won, so yay.

Went to AMK Hub after that. Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. In my opinion, it was really good. It wasn't too draggy, it wasn't too fast-paced, and it was really funny. It really showcased the fashion world in a very detailed way, not just generally. 3.5 scarves out of 5.
Went to my grandparent's graves today. Nothing much to talk about. It was a quiet morning. Peaceful, tranquil, despite the ashes on my hair and stench of smoke on my clothes. Came back home and slept till 8pm.
I had a weird dream just now. I was nominated for an Oscar. But the thing was, thousands of people were nominated for many Oscars, but mine was slightly more significant than the others. Waited for a bus(?) to bring us to the place. Turns out, the place was an island. We took a boat there, and I took a bus to the place on the island where the Oscars were held. I was on the bus with 3 army officers, who happened to win Oscars as well. o.O But on the way, the bus stopped and 2 armored people, supposedly evil, came to kill us or something like that(They were joking around.). The army officers then found a huge bottle of mayonnaise on a seat in the bus and threw it at one of the armored people. The bottle of mayo got stuck on his head and I managed to run away. Before I could end my dream, my dad woke me up. So too bad.
Gonna go play FFX now.
Labels: Nothing to emphasize.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
8:35 AM

I bought Lily Allen's album! Heyyyyy! Finally after wasting so much time making money I can find time to go buy it.
Went out with Kim and JiaJia yesterday. Went to NP in the morning, and then headed to The Heeren Shops to buy the album. Had lunch, and went to CP to meet up with MJ and Andrew. Went to JiaJia's place to bake, but since my mum so happened to throw away all my recipes, I couldn't bake at all, as there was a lack of ingredients.
Went to NP again today. Went to hand in my Foreign Language Enhancement Program application form. I'm gonna learn French! But the Academics Affairs office wasn't sure of the vacancies left, so I had to head over to the Interdisciplinary Studies general office at Block 53 to hand it in. Went to Block 52, but Block 53 was nowhere in sight. Passed Makan Place, and went over to Block 50, and I still couldn't find Block 53. Went all the way to Block 70 and still couldn't find it. Then there was a map at a carpark, so I checked it out. Block 53 was behind Block 52. So I went to the back of Block 52, but the whole place was under construction, and even had a Gas Welding room. So I went to the front of Block 52 again. Then a saw people walking down a slope to Block 52, so I walked up. At last I found the dreaded Block 53 and handed up the form. But something still puzzled me, there was a child development centre inside the IS, with toys and baby stretchers. Bizarre!
There's gonna be work tomorrow, and I'm freaking tired. Good night.
Labels: The unnecessary journey to Block 53.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
10:37 AM
Not really in the mood to blog these days. Happy about getting into NP, but I still feel really confused and mad about something else. But it's okay, it's gonna be over by the end of the month.
Can't really explain myself right here, cos this blog ain't private. Walls have ears. :x But anyway, it did give me nightmares, screams of those nasty words. Ugh, hope it gets better. It's not just something I can quit, it's personal.
Something else than that has been getting on my nerves. I just can't find the time and place to have any privacy at all. It's like, my life is being watched by so many people whom should not be giving a damn about me at all. Yes, should not, as in they should stop commenting on my way of life and stop watching over me. It's so scary at times, cos they will eventually affect my direction in life. I just wish to live normally and privately right now. I do not need any other care and support other than from my parents, my brother, and my friends. Period.
Labels: Privacy.
Friday, March 20, 2009
9:42 AM
These are the photos from the BBQ! It was awesome, COS I PLANNED! YA I PLANNED IT!

Labels: BBQ Photos.