Sunday, November 30, 2008
9:00 PM
Hello! It has been ages since my last post. The stupid computer wasn't working all day yesterday, cos my dad was fixing new curtains. Now my curtains are like white, very similar to the screen we use for powerpoint slides in school.
Went to welcome JiaJia back from Taiwan with Kim yesterday. Curse part-time jobs and curfews! Anyway, when we arrived, JiaJia and her mother left, already. So, we took the bus to JiaJia's house. The journey back was torture. Anyway, we chatted with JiaJia, and we ate a lot of stuff from Taiwan. Anyway, we left at 11+pm.
I just woke up. I felt terrible when I got up. A full bladder, and a cold. Seriously, I can't survive without a computer. When my brother told me the computer wasn't working yesterday night, I practically went hysterical. I started acting like an 8 year old kid and started scratching my brother's feet. Today morning, my brother still couldn't get the computer to turn on. When he told me, I went straight to bed, again. But when he got it working, I just felt a burst of energy from within. It's true.
Okay, gonna go find something to do. Bye.
Friday, November 28, 2008
10:28 AM
So I sorta didn't blog for a day, cos its past 2am now. Nothing happened much today, cept that I went to Kallang Leisure Park and bought a cool shirt form Chickout. It costs $49, and who the hell would spend that kind of money? No one, actually. I bought it cos, IT HAD A 70% DISCOUNT! Isn't that like super duper cheap?! After the discount, it costs $14.70.
So far, I have 3 caps, and 2 ties. Now, I want to go to Vivo and start on my collection for that thingamajig. Anyway, I have listened to both the CDs Kim and the gang had gave me. Both rocked! The JB album had a VU+, quite cool. Demi's album had a lot of great songs. JB's album had great songs too, but the songs were a little too short.
Now that JiaJia is overseas, there isn't anyone to ask out. Though Olivia and Kim aren't working young adults, it still ain't much fun without JiaJia, JiaHui, Jolyn and Pearl. Hmmm, I have moved on. yup, that's what I want to say to the world. I have moved on. But still, angst still haunts me. So, I shall psychobabble until I have gotten over the change.
I laid idle for too long.Everyone has moved on.Should I fix the picture back to the norm?Or should let go,And still stay calm?Was it my own folly?Or are all of you just phoneys?All the kindness,So earnest,So honest,Has removed its mask. Now, it is all in the past.Labels: Moved on.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
8:30 AM
Hmmm, after a chat with Olivia, I have finally got my nerves to clam down.
Everyone is going overseas, like seriously, everyone. I am not even going anywhere in the holidays! Fuck. Like, what did I do in my past life to be in the poverty cycle? I wanna stay in a hotel. I wanna see places. I wanna use hotel bathrooms!
Even Genting would be nice! I don't care. I just wanna get out of this stupid country!
4:57 AM
After the class outing, I have been suffering from major post-birthday blues. Though I am surrounded by all forms of entertainment in my house, a little distraction can just spoil my mood for gaming. Good thing there is Demi Lovato to sing for me so I at least have the strength to blog.
I am confused, And unhappy.Where is the appreciation?Why all the criticism?Was I living a lie so this time?Or do people really move on?All of you seemed so kind,But it appears I was wrong.It had to take a train wreck,To place me back on track.It hurt me,What all of you did to me.I finally know, The mortal soul, Is indeed corrupted.Even though ranting on and on do not help ease my pain, but it is all I can do, isn't it?
Labels: To Hell with him and her.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
9:21 AM
Today, I finally started to feel the sting of boredom. Pokemon is starting to get boring, especially when I am helping my brother evolve a stupid dupid Eevee into a stupid dupid Espeon. I think JiaHui has no idea what I am talking about.
Anyway, I am going rant in this post, cos I have been rather pissed by some people yesterday. I just don't know why classmates do these things to classmates. It is so bitchy and utterly hurtful.
Firstly, some people are so mean, there is no other word to describe it. Just plain mean. I try to be friendly with everyone, which is so not my nature to so, but some people just don't appreciate that. They use that just-get-lost tone with you, which is just rude. I smile like practically throughout the whole thing, and they just give you that face - expressionless on the outside, but totally wants to leave the park on the inside. Hello? I practically planned 1/4 of the class outing. The least you can do is show some gratitude. Fine, you don't want to be grateful, but don't make me feel like you don't want me in 4E. I even made so many changes so that everyone, including you, can be able to make it and be happy. Why don't you try planning the whole thing and make everyone happy for once? It isn't easy, and you want me to leave, after I planned part of the outing? Total inhumanity, not to mention being the pot calling the kettle black.
Secondly, some people can be so egotistical and full of themselves. You all totally slapped me with 'no one is perfect in this world'. Life is not just about gaming, academics, and looks. Fine, you all have all that, but here's a reality check: Your personalities suck to the goddamn fucking core! You all have been fueled by everyone's compliments you all have forgotten that everyone is equal. Given your personalities, you all won't go far, despite having the whole package. Someone totally needs to give you all a hard slap in your faces and wake up, cos you all are a far cry from perfection. So stop rubbing everything into my face! I am still surprised at my self-control yesterday; I could have just fucking blow up at you all. In years to come, if you all end up in the streets, which I hope you all do, I am gonna rub it in your face! Just shut the fucking fuck up!
Thirdly, I feel that wannabes should just vanish from the face of the Earth, or just implode. The wannabes I find the most disgusting are the ones who think they are some pros in the Hollywood scene and celebrities. So maybe I just hate it when people love the same things as me, but I am the more knowledgeable one, not to brag. Just because you know one really catchy song doesn't make you COOL! Like seriously, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I just don't know how to describe how irritating it is. I am just pissed off by your self acclaimed profession. Ugh!
I am still holding back my bazooka as hard as I can. I am just so pissed and annoyed by these disgusting people.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
8:16 AM
Hello all! I am quite happy with today's class outing! Jane and I, not the usual party-planners, managed to do something right, though it was a last minute thing. We managed to hire a cheap catering service, and the food was nice, better than the last caterer in fact. Anyway, we managed to get a pit, even though it was 3 hours before the whole thing started. Also, I am so proud of myself for calling the caterer, and ordering the food. My first time, and I didn't stutter one bit! Yay!
Anyway, Kim and the gang got me this really radical shirt from Cotton On, a store that cares for the unfortunate people with low metabolism rates from the upper weight class. Also, they got me a cap, a red tie(both of which goes really well with the shirt), Demi Lovato's Don't Forget album, JB's A Little Bit Longer album, a bunch of Nigel Cards(by Ang Moh Pai Co.), a glitter-globe, and a cake. I think there is an E-Card as well.
Shall post pictures once JiaJia gets online and send me the photos. Took a lot, and I looked really with distinct with my 'pocketful of sunshine' tee. I look really bright.
People of 4E, today's lesson is BASIC COURTESY. If something is planned, please tell me beforehand if you have your own plans. That is all. Err, and to a few people, please SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Hmmm, shall upload photos again tomorrow. Goodnight. I am feeling so lethargic now.
Monday, November 24, 2008
7:15 AM
Hi all. Today was a rather happy day, not sure why though. I saw Mdm Shareen today. It has been like more than a year since I saw her I think. Anyway, I spent my afternoon watching Channel E!. Learned a lot of stuff. Living Lohan was interesting. And after watching Tales of Hollywood Mums, I feel so motivated to plan the class outing. Those mothers of certain celebrities are so cool, as in they are so professional. Anyway, I spent an hour or two trying to reach everyone in class. Around 23 people are going. Ian and Sam are not confirmed yet, cos they didn't reply anyone.
Frankly, I am not that enthusiastic about tomorrow. I feel a little euphoric, but I do not feel like seeing some people, though our time in the class has sorta ended. I am going to feel left out, as usual. Another scroll in the park alone. I am not willing to learn to ride a bike or roller-blade yet. My brain feels so tired. I am deadbeat, mentally and physically. Not in the mood to welcome new things into my mind right now, and most likely tomorrow.
I feel disappointment, regret, and truckloads of sorrow all of a sudden. Such a spontaneous burst of emotions, not a good sign. No one would really fathom this, cept maybe one person.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
11:46 AM
I am currently getting money in my Sapphire Version by battling the Elite Four. The Energy Guru is selling his power-ups at a 50% discount! But the thing is, the day wouldn't end! I had went to the Indigo Plateau practically 5 times but only 2 hours have passed. But it is kinda okay, it just means that I can buy more stuff. If only reality was like that.
Looking at so many people working, I feel so tempted to find a job. I wanna get the job at Haato suddenly, cos I can eat some ice-cream too! Haha! Plus, it is close to my home. But, if I get a job, all the things I wanted to do will be impossible. Such contradictory.
Just finished watching Project Runway 3. Uli's dress was really nice!
Okay, my dad just came in. Gonna go sleep now. :x
5:17 AM
Just got back from dinner. I feel really really tired, and I have a good reason why. Last night, around 2 hours after updating my last post, I went down to cook myself something to eat cos I felt hungry when I thought of the food I had at the wedding. Anyway, I made myself a cup of Milo, with quite a lot condensed milk, and the Milo comes in 3-in-1! :x After eating everything, I watched some TV, and decided to play my GameBoy. I went up to my room, but it was goddamn locked. My freaking brother locked the door, with the TV and air-conditioner on, and he just goes to sleep, cos he's scared. I tried to open the door with a bunch of keys but it didn't work. It turns out that the correct key was the one I didn't bother to try using. So, I ended up sleeping in the living room. I watched some Project Runway and went to sleep at around 5am.
Woke up at 2.30pm today. Nothing much happened today. I didn't buy shampoo for my very vulnerable hair today. I decided to save every cent up for my next trip to the salon. I just hope this color can make it to the class outing, cos my hair will compliment my brown checkered Bermudas, if I am wearing them.
I so want to go out, but everyone's AT WORK. Sheesh, since when did we turn into slaves of society? With Pearl and JiaHui working, we hardly have anymore time to go out, mainly cos they are the ones that plan the outings. I really want to have a sleepover, though it is a girl thing. Excluding JianYu, I have never stayed over at any of my friends house before.
Currently training my shiny Sharpedo, which I got from Kenny. Thanks! :] Like all Sharpedos, it has the defense of a fly with AIDS.
Oh well, I shall go plan a day to go out to buy my outfit for the class outing, though I have burnt a really big hole in my wallet from buying my tie and cap from 77th Street. Another ECP outing, another set of casual clothes, which spells BORING. Another tee, another pair of 3/4 pants, SO INVIGORATING. Goodbye.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
9:25 AM
Okay, I just got back from the wedding. Was nice, though I stoned most of the time. I didn't guide the guests to their seats, reason being: 1) The guests' names were in the most terrible language, Chinese. 2) I can hardly remember half of the relatives in the list. So, I just dressed pretty and stoned there, but I was goddamn tired. I was so elated about wearing my well picked out outfit that I slept at 4am. The food was very nice :] , but I feel that pomelos are really bitter! And I don't know why, but I like to taste the chilli sauce given on the table of every fancy dinner I go to, cos they taste really nice. I was licking from my spoon just now. :x
I am dead beat now, but I am not gonna go sleep that soon. Everyone's blog is so dead I find that I am the only photosynthesizing leaf in a tree, seriously. I update like 2-3 times a day, but people update once in like 2-3 weeks. I am so bored, yawns. I really want to go out! Plus, I have a new dilemma: my hair color is FADING! I feel so sad, very sad. I don't care, if my hair color does not make it to the class outing, I am going to dye it again. I don't care how much money I am going to use, but I want my brown hair to last for the whole holidays. But, it has only been 5 days and it is already fading! I need to buy some hair color protection shampoo tomorrow. No more volumizer for me. I shall keep to washing my hair once a day, from now onwards. The hair damage wasn't that catastrophic as I thought, actually, I don't feel a thing at all, cept that it is drier.
Okay, gonna go train my Girafarig now, which is a little CMI, cos it's defense is so low! Okay, goodbye. :]
Thursday, November 20, 2008
4:59 AM
Hello! My blogging addiction has been eased by my other addiction- my GameBoy. I haven't blogged for a very long time, to me at least. Usually, a dying blog is a blog that hasn't been updated for weeks, or even months. Mine has been rotting for like around 20 hours.
Not much happened today. I slept at 4am last night, and I woke up today at 2pm. A little too late. I think my hair dye is fading little, but my brother said it isn't. Let's not think too much. Just as long as it can make it to Christmas, I'm happy. Anyway, I played my GameBoy for hours, and hours. Went for dinner, and here I am, nothing else to do.
I have an urge to go out to VivoCity right now to buy more of those thingamajigs from yesterday. I am planning to start a collection. Next on my list is the one that was inspired from Saw's funny looking mask, and the one that resembles a cow. I also want to get the one that is completely in a pewter-ish colour, and also the one that was inspired from the Simpsons.
Gonna go play my GameBoy now. I feel like heading to Compass Point tomorrow, to get my tie and cap from 77th Street. Anyone wanna go out and chat? Give me a call. Thanks! :]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
5:35 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!I just got back from Serangoon Garden. Had a very nice day today! :] :] :]
Met up with ZhenHui, Kenny, Liqi, and her nephew at 1pm. Trained to VivoCity, and met up with MuiHwee. After much consideration, we decided to go to the Japanese Gourmet Town. Ate Ajisen Ramen there. I ate a crayfish ramen, an agedashi tofu, and fried chicken, and peach soda. The servings were goddamn small, and the crayfish ramen was below average in my opinion. Siti came. After eating, we went to Ramen Ten to have dessert. Same as before, the servings were goddamn pathetic.

8 packets of sugar into a cup of tea, spells diabetes. :x

Siti's drink, no idea what it's called.

Mine is Vanilla!

This is super duper miniscule, and it costs $5.50! Damn sad, Kenny. TT

No vulgarities with a kid around, haha!

Raspberry Esprit, $4.50.

MuiHwee's drink, no idea what it is called. :x

Liqi's nephew, I forgotten his name. :x He is very amusing. Haha!

Kenny and Liqi's nephew, BFFs! Haha! :]

Anyway, Siti, Liqi, her nephew, and MuiHwee, suddenly vanished and took a very long time to come back. When they came back, Liqi got a cake! Haha, thanks guys!

Here comes the cake! :]

I wish I will make it to Hollywood! :]

Despite the size, it was very difficult for me to finish by myself.

But I managed to finish it!
After eating, we went to some shop near Daiso and picked out really cool thingamajigs. I bought 2! Gonna buy 3 every time I go there. They even have some inspired from the movie Saw, you know, the funny looking mask? Haha! If you happen to pass the store, please give me a call! I want to buy!

Caught MuiHwee and my eyes immediately. :]

Ice cream, not blood, haha!
We then went to Daiso, and they bought some stuff. Walked around a little more and trained to Serangoon. Saw a person whom I find utterly disgusting, but nevermind. Bused to Serangoon Garden. Had dinner at Pow Sing Restaurant. My mum made me a cake! :]
Ate Haato, and walked home. Now, here I am. Haha.
Had a great day today! Thanks everyone for the wishes! And most importantly, I must thank Siti, Liqi, her nephew, MuiHwee, Kenny, and ZhenHui for celebrating with me today! Thanks for the cake! :]
Here are the photos for the NPCC Bonding Day. :]

Ziling, Siti, me, Vanessa, MuiHwee