Wednesday, September 24, 2008
9:10 AM
To my beloved viewers, I shall be on a blogging hiatus, from today till the end of the 'O's. This period of time shall be preciously spent on my studies and the last few days of being in 4E, literally. I am gonna miss everyone.
I will miss Bella.(!!)I will miss MeiJun.(!!)I will miss Cheryl. I will miss Eunice.(Love you too! LOL.) I will miss Kassandra. I will miss Sara.I will miss WenXin.(!!) I will miss Jeanette. I will miss Kim.(!!) I will miss Jane.(!!) I will miss YanLing.(!!) I will miss JiaJia.(!!) I will miss Jolyn.(!!) I will miss Shermaine. I will miss Olivia.(!!) I will miss Pearl.(!!) I will miss Jolin.(!!) I will miss JiaHui.(!! P.S.: May Soya embrace you with pure warmth. :]) I will miss YunHann. I will miss Ellin.(!!) I will miss Aaron. (Don't really need to miss you cos you live next block? LOL.) I will miss JiaRui.(!!) I will miss KiaWee. I will miss Ernest.(!!) I will miss Ian. I will miss Jonathan.(!!) I will miss JieHui.(!!)I will miss LX.(!!!) I will miss YiHao.(!!) I will miss ChengSiong.(!!) I will miss JieSheng.(!!) I will miss JianYu.(!!) I will miss Daryl.(!!) I will miss Jason. I will miss Sam. I will miss LianZhi.(!!) I will miss Mr.Tien.(!!!) I will miss 4E!!!I will be back in mid-November. I love 4E! :]
Sunday, September 21, 2008
4:48 AM
Weekend are when things don't turn out as planned and it is fucking irritating, especially when that thing is expected to make your day. I live life quietly, looking forward to all the exciting things around the corner, treating them as a stepping stone for me to continue to breathe. Postpones and delays pisses me off, a lot. I guess I am just unlucky, and always will be.
Okay, so what if no one noticed that I was absent? It doesn't matter anymore. I bet some of you reading this will still go, "Oh, Nigel didn't come for the test yesterday! I never noticed!" Whatever.
I am still struggling with my Biology P2, which is a very tedious paper I must add. The ratio of lines to questions is like, 100000000000:1? I still have my Chem TYS and my E.Maths Specimen A. I was so darn tired yesterday afternoon I didn't do much. And I still have 2 Chinese essays still undone. Guess I will just have to apologize tomorrow for not completing them. I really want a day off to like revise. I don't have time to open my textbook at all, and every one expects me to ace every test? Look at us HODs! We are flesh and bones, not nails and scrap metal! My brain is bleeding profusely and my eyes are red. Have mercy!
Gonna rush now. Bye.
Friday, September 19, 2008
10:49 PM
This is just great. I had to miss the Maths test, the SS briefing and Biology remedial. And you know what the worst part is?
No one even noticed I was absent.
This tells me something.
7:26 AM
Salutations people. It has been 2 days since I had a proper sleep. I have been rushing my Chem TYS like hell but I had to lose 2 of them. I have been sleeping a lot in class lately. Ms Ng even wanted to give me chicken essence today. Went to Chinese remedial with Sara and Shermaine after school. The 4H people were really funny, especially Richmond. LOL. And to them, '
gong wei hua' in our letter writing is '
paw'(kiss up), LOL. Had a rather good time there though I was caught sleeping halfway and was picked to read the passage. Compared to Lloyd, whom the three of us thought shouldn't even be in this class, I sounded like, "Hey everyone! I am a new transfer student from Tennessee!" I totally sucked at reading. And ironically, I got a B4 and the rest got C5s and C6s. After I went to Compass after some consideration. Met up with Eunice and the others, and I learn what a sexual fisting is. Kinda gross for me, but it is just another 'method' like 'oral'. Went with JiaJia to Hougang Mall to buy the overly commercialized Stephenie Meyer series. Headed home after that.
I am so darn tired now and my stomach ain't working with me. Gotta study Maths to get at least a distinction. And if any office staff reads this post,
Would it kill to get me a new entry proof? Sheesh. It is just a friggin' piece of paper without the word 'Geography' inside.
I am gonna go to The Heeren Shops straight after the 'O's, and get myself a Battle Royale DVD. Chiaki Kuriyama on my TV screen! *SCREAMS *Windows break
I recommend everyone to watch Videos on Trial on Youtube. It sure lightened me up. :]
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
6:23 AM
Prelims are over, and judgment is nearing us. I am just so fucking tired everyday, and I hate chicken essence. I am not encouraged to drink RedBull and I only drink frappicino - not much caffeine there. Caffeine don't even work on me. I feel so dead. I have 2 more years of Chemistry TYS not done, and I am here blogging about it. I have no fucking idea where get the energy to pay attention in class, remain awake, do homework and have daily revisions. OH MY GOD! MY CLASSMATES ARE PLANTS! THEY PHOTOSYNTHESIZE! OH SHIT I AM THE ONLY MAMMAL IN CLASS! I should really put some chloroplasts into my system. But doesn't that make me fatter by the minute? Just trying to loosen up, cos these few days will be the last days you will see me, laid back Hawaiian style. I am gonna start mugging.
I still have no idea how I can improve my Biology. Seriously, I do not know how to link at all, and it is not that I didn't study. Apparently the Geography students are facing the same dilemma. And life used to be so happy knowing that Geography is a confirmed component of our L1R5. It is all in the past now.
Gonna quickly finish all my Chemistry TYS 2002 and 2001. I wanna study my SS and History.
P.S: People I really really want a knife for my Birthday. If I get at least 3 A1s in my Mock, promise me you will get one for me. I want a jack knife or a switchblade, anyone that is more chic. :]
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
9:14 AM
I am so darn pissed at my results. Okay it is a little better than the Mid-Years but I am still not satisfied with my score. My L1R5 is 23, only a slight improvement of 5. I really don't know why. I improved in every subject except for A.Maths and Biology, but I still did not improve much.
English: D7 --> B4
Chinese: D7 --> D7 -.-
Chemistry: C5 --> A2
E.Maths: A2 --> A2 :|
Geography: Dropping
Combined Humanities: F9 --> C6 (citation needed; without studying)
Ugh, I am gonna be the last few again. I really hope that I am blind and deaf when Mr. Tien reads out our class positions.
Gonna go depress at one corner now. Bye.
Monday, September 15, 2008
8:43 AM
Hey everyone! You all should really watch this video. It is super duper hilarious! It is Rihanna's Disturbia on Trial, well not literally. Haha!
Off to do my 'Tiger Compre', bye!
6:18 AM
Gonna make it quick.
We got back our Prelim scores today. I did better than expected but it is not satisfactory at all.
English: (P2)28/50 (Oral)30/40Chinese: 45.7/100 T.TE.Maths: 74.4444444444444444444444444(citation needed; WTH less than a mark away from A1!) A.Maths: 54.99(citation needed again!)Chemistry: 70/100(phew, though I wanted an A1.)Biology: (P1)25/40 (P2 Section A)10/50(HORRENDOUS!)Geography: 0/100 LOLCombined Humanities: (SS) 24/50(without studying!)I didn't get any A1s at all. Bummer. But at least I won her in many subjects! YAY! Gotta mug for 'O' Levels already. I am so bummed about Biology. I really have interest in it, but I never pass it. Since the MOE knows that the world do a lot worse in Biology, SET AN EASIER PAPER! Would it kill to go a little soft on us? Sheesh.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
8:50 AM
Hello people! I just got back home from Turf City. The place was cool. I really like the clothes there. They seem to be my style, and they are cheap! Anyway, I had a wedding dinner just now. The food was very nice. The wedding was quite good cos we don't have to wait for like 30 minutes for each dish to be served. like other weddings. So it ended quite fast and I had my daily supplement of endorphins: HAATO ICE CREAM! People who go to Serangoon Garden often should really try it. It is located at the same building as FairPrice.
I'm ready for the bombshell tomorrow. I am ready to face the awful music(which in my opinion is oldies). Okay not really. I'm scared out of my guts! I am so afraid I will fail every subject. I do not want to be last again. Every paper seemed so difficult. And everyone has already half of an A1, while I have none. Shit. I am really scared. Plus my Geography is not officially dropped yet! My results are like cow dung. Sorry Mr. Tien and teachers, I guess I will be flunking again this time.
I am very serious about my career now. I am gonna go to Hollywood. And I am not joking! I wanna act, cos it is fun to be someone else for a change. I will start out as a Disney star or in a sitcom, and work my way up to the movies, ranging from comedy to thrillers. No horror(with the exception of Gore) though. I really wanna star in a movie like Battle Royale, where everyone dies and I have my own special way of dying. It is called individuality. Speaking of dying, here is a picture of Chiaki again, dead.

She is cool even when she is dead!
Okay I'm gonna turn in early tonight.
Adieu. :]
Saturday, September 13, 2008
12:37 AM
Good afternoon mortals! It is a Saturday and I am so excited about later! I will be going to the Airport! Yay! I wanna eat Popeyes if we manage to go T3. For now, I have to rush my comprehension, and my 2
zuo wens. And on Wednesday, if there is nothing on in school, I will maybe go with everyone to choose the wedding dress, though I heard it was boring. Anyway, we shall be having dinner at Oasis at Toa Payoh! OMG! It has been ages since I ate there. It used to be at Kallang but they moved.
Also, I have a new favourite actress. And who is she? Everyone still recall the girl in yellow? Yes, it is .......................................................................................................................................................................

Best shot from Battle Royale. :]

Reminds a little bit of me, you know what I mean. Don't you agree?

Nice pissed off face.

From Kill Bill Vol. 1. She always so cool when she holds a sharp object. :]:]

This is by far the coolest picture of her, like ever ever ever. Isn't it just so darn cool. Isn't it cool, huh huh, isn't it? I'm nuts.
Isn't she like the coolest ever? Makes me so wanna be an actor. I think if I really go to Hollywood, I will starring in genres of movies similar to what she stars in. After the 'O' Levels, I am so gonna have a MySpace account, so I can add her, and Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez! WHEEEEE! Moreover, she speaks English! No communication barrier when I see her on the red carpet!
I have been thinking, and I really wanna do well for the 'O' Levels. The Prelims are a wake up call to me. I know I won't do well, cos the only subject that I have a teeny weeny chance of getting distinction is Chemistry. My languages are CMI, cos I have no idea what is chinese and I was napping through the English paper. And my Maths is horrendous. I don't think I will even get a C6. And my Combined Humanities are a goner. Also, they haven't officially let me drop Geography so the score will still be in the report book, which means I will have a around a 100 marks lower than everyone else. And my Biology is a goner as well. Come on school, we are students, not NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS!
Gonna rush my comprehension now. See ya!
Okay, people should really watch Battle Royale and Kill Bill(though I haven't watched it yet.). And next year, for Tekken fans, there will be a movie of the game. And, Chiaki is gonna star in it too! Oh my god! I'm trying to catch my breath! Can't wait! WHEEEE!
Friday, September 12, 2008
5:09 AM
Hello people! I am back from our little outing and it was great! Takashimaya is like a food paradise to me! Don't really wish to elaborate a lot on our long journey for Ellin's present, cos I am just too tired. The fun part was having our lunch and our ice cream high tea and our chit-chat at Subway. Our feet hurt a lot at Far East Plaza. Then everyone was like telling me to buy the 'fresh hot soup' but it was unavailable. I got to eat my YakiTori Bento! People y'all should try it! Oh and I saw this really cool shirt and pants at Bossini! And I love HARU GOTH! Gosh it has so many stuff I like, but to many it is like where the Grim Reaper shops. Oh well. Oh yes, I got a rather good score for my SS paper. I got 24/50 despite not studying. If I really memorized my essays, I can get at least a 35 I think. Hope my History paper can get a 26/50. Then it would be a F9 to a C6. 3 grades! Here are the photos. :]

Our Blizzards guys!:
Top left corner: Jolyn's Chocolate chip cookies! (if I'm not wrong.)Below Jolyn: JiaRui's Chocolate chip cookies!Bottom: My OREO!(the only one who got a Large. I was hungry!)Right of mine: JiaHui's Brownie temptations!Above Jiahui: Pearl's Mango almond(the one and only fruity one, and nutty. LOL.)Left of Pearl: Olivia's Chocolate chip!
The four gals, LOL.

The first try out.

I look damn fat in this photo. :[

Ultimate shot. Got a lot of attention while taking this photo.
Tomorrow, we shall be going to Ellin's house. Can't wait! Then we can take more shots!
I am really tired from all the ranting. It isn't fun to talk on my blog. I like it when everyone gathers around and I do that. It is a lot more satisfying.
So this shall be the last time I will rant here. Okay, let's start with how contradicting you sounded today. Let me quote: "some moron thinks tt im toking abt him." This is funny, and you said,"is it uu, yourself and nigel?." LOL, I don't even need to think, you just gave yourself away. And let me quote again: "*laughs* ii cnt be bothered abt him". And then you go on and rant for an essay question worth full of words. Can you spell IDIOCY? Oh, and by the way, how sure are you that I was ranting about you previously? But I can tell you this time I am.
And by the way, if you haven't notice, your mouth is the one that looks like you have just had tea with a cow at the farm. My teeth may not be as white, but at least it is not drowning plaque and look like it has been stained with iodine solution. Please check the dictionary for the meaning of "put words into my mouth" before using it. Since when did I? You calling me fat is true. So stop acting like your English standard is superb. And if I can remember, you were the one who hated Jane, and it was you who kept scolding her and badmouthing her. Are you an amnesiac? And it was you who said she kept wanting to seduce Clement. So, DON'T PUT WORDS INTO MY MOUTH!
And please use 'game' appropriately. Yes, I do want to stab you to death, but what the heck does it have to do with a game? Seriously, stop acting like you have such great literary skills. It shows the wannabe in you. And do you know why you keep on calling me to 'shut up'? That is because you have nothing else to say. Can I hear a L-O-S-E-R? And of course I know you make friends from 2H. They are the last resort for you. And going out on outings does not make me popular(don't put words into my mouth), but it does show that people rather ask me out. Maybe if you never thought about it, don't you think that maybe people don't like sticking around you? I can't believe you still haven't gotten the clue yet. Always trying your best to get into the social circle, but ends up in shame. Don't think people talk to you in the morning makes you accepted. It is so obvious that you are going to school early in the morning so people will talk to you cos I'm not around. And silly, the pictures were not me, they were you! I do not have excessive gum tissues and I clean my teeth everyday, yes everyday. And so you can see apparent difference between mine and your dental life.
I do admit that I'm at fault. That was why I apologized to Mr. Tien. It is better than you at least, shedding a few crocodile tears in front of him and others to make them pity you. Grossed out! And hello? When did I say that I was innocent? Stop putting words into my mouth for goodness sake. It sends shivers down my spine, and my mouth would feel plaque infested for a moment. And I did insult you more than just 'fake and ugly'. Open your eyes and see, there are a lot more things than just 'fake and ugly'.
So if you can spare a bit of thought for everyone in the world, please do not infest the world with your plaque-filled words and iodine solution-dipped teeth. You may think we don't know, but you are trying too hard to impress everyone. P-R-E-T-E-N-T-I-O-U-S much? You really show how a human can go so low. Oh, wait, you are not a human. I am so sorry, you are ALIEN! *giggles
Enough. Shall end this here. Next time I shall have my fun with the peeps.
Okay, I realized that I have totally SCREWED all the papers that were taken this week. I think the holidays had done more harm than good. Hope I will at least get to the 25th position. Hopefully. I don't wanna be lugubrious like the mid-years anymore.
Toodles! :]
Thursday, September 11, 2008
3:21 AM
Hello people! I am so happy today! You know why? Because I had a buffet today, and will be having a wedding dinner on Sunday, a sample dinner on Tuesday and most of all, tomorrow is the end of Prelims! I am looking forward to Biology Paper 1, cos I have been practicing that in the holidays. But I know I will get another 24 for it. Always gotten that grade for eons.
Today, YanLing, JunLeong, Jolin, WenXin, JiaRui and I went to Sakura for lunch. It was very nice! I started my meal with some sushi, and went on to some fried stuff. I thought the Shishamo went really well with the mayo. Then I ordered grilled dory and it was damn nice! OMG why did I leave the place without packeting some back home? Oh, and the hotplate seafood is super duper nice! And I realized something: The higher MT people have no idea what the hell is
dou miao lol. Anyway, I had really great time there. And I really liked the vanilla ice cream. A pity we didn't take any photos at all. But the sad thing was that my stomach is bloated before I could try the OREO CHEESECAKE! Awww man. I had been eying them for a long time. Oh well, next time maybe. Had my fair share of coke too. :]
After that, we went to E.Hub for some bowling. AMONG ALL OF US, I HAD THE WORST SCORE EVER! I got 40. YanLing got 44. And WenXin got 78! I think everyone striked or spared at least once except for me. Haha! After that, we went to the arcade. YanLing and Jolin played DDR while I played really childish games. There was this frog game where I had to direct his tongue to eat some bugs. I played thrice and my number of tickets were: 12, 12, 13. Haha. Then Jolin and JiaRui went to play the basketball thingy. Jolin is damn pro! Haha! Almost every ball went in. After that we went home. Took 89 to Compass, and took 156 with JiaRui, YanLing and JunLeong. LianZhi got on the bus later. We talked a lot about hair and hygiene lol. Oh yes, we also talked about the hoe. Never fail to lighten me up. :]
Today was such a great day. Had a great nap. Now, it is time to talk about something more serious. *rolls eyes
So the pretentious one says I am an IT. Well, I say, "Is that all you got?" Oh god, you stick to the minors so long it is getting to your head. Seriously, if you have no substantial insults to back yourself up, there is no point in continuing, for you that is. If that is all you got, I must say you have undeniably overestimated yourself. Please, all the bragging about how you always managed to win every quarrel are lies. You think that just by shedding some pathetic crocodile tears will make you an instant victor. You are a loudmouth, literally, why don't you make full use of it instead of just crying to win the hearts of others. People don't pity you, honestly. Earth to thick skinned self-assumed princess! You do not have seven dwarves crying at your deathbed, neither do you have a knight in shining armor waiting for you. People find you deplorably pathetic, a perfidious scum to the Earth.
And let me give you a reality check: Stop trying to act all goody-two-shoes and settle the conflict between Cheryl and Jane. Stop your hilarious facade already. If your curtain eyelids are still blocking your vision, here's the truth. People find it simply irksome that you are 'trying' to 'turn over a new leaf'. It is all a publicity stunt to make everyone love you again. You make friends from other classes and make everyone feel as though you are fine with it. But I'm not that blind. You can't stand that no one in class wants to invite you along on outings. Well, no one really asked you out in the first place. Too bad, so sad. And you tell me Jane seduces people? Please, you are no better. No, you are worse. Just be lucky that YanLing is a very nice person and decided not to extend your gum length. Though it is old news, it is not forgotten.
So this time it's 'balloon with protective layer of oil'? Isn't it just as about the same as what you say the last time, and the last time. Fat, fat ass, acne, what else? Is that all you can say? Okay, I have enough fun talking about your tsunami gums. Oh and speaking about your gums, I want to comment on your poorly cam-whored photos. Why don't you open up your mouth, like ever? You zip up your mouth, why? I think the whole world knows the answer.

In case all your mirrors have broken(with just a glance from your eyes), here's a photo of your gums. Let me emphasize, gums only. Those teeth are too white for you. By the way, those gums are not as thick as yours.
Okay, let's get to the new topic today: TERRIFYING PLAQUE BUILD-UP!

It is still not confirmed whether she brushes her teeth before coming to school or not. But judging from those white things on her teeth, it sure seems like she doesn't! I think it is quite important for girls to practice proper dental hygiene. Which guy would want to smooch a horse? Some great advice for you: Brush your teeth, with TOOTHPASTE. And rinse with CLEAN WATER! Oh and lastly, get a breath mint, a packet of Eclipse. Pop one in every half a hour. Don't stink up the whole class. Spare a thought for us!
Hey y'all, doesn't she look familiar?

Whoa, she is so 'glamorous' she has photo shoots! Must I say more? The photos must have been edited quite a lot; your excessive gum tissues didn't show!
I guess I shall wait for your next post. Keep me posted!
To Mr. Tien: I'm sorry for my failure to forgive and forget. :[ But I do not want it to end so abruptly, and she turns out to be the winner. I know we have only a month to be together but I think this is inevitable. I think if I just let it settle like that, and my words did not get to her, I think I will regret it for the rest of my life. Call me petty, short-tempered or anything, but I shall not let the matter rest until I get her back for what she did. I am truly sorry if you are disappointed in us. Hope you will understand.
I guess I will end it here. Gonna study for Biology before going to sleep.
Monday, September 8, 2008
11:08 AM
It is 2.08 am now. I am still awake, and I am in a dilemma. My stomachache feels like spiderwebs have grown in them, though that is virtually impossible due to the hydrochloric acid. I am damn freaking famished! I feel damn sorry for the African children. If I were them I would be crying and eating the sand on my toes. Okay that was disturbing. Anyway, I am waiting for the coast to be clear so I can get a small snack.
I have not touched my History yet. Gonna get the textbook form JiaHui tomorrow. So now, I am craving for more food, and she is chatting to me, about her soya bean in shining...erm...plastic cup? I thought shining armor is kinda unsuitable for something in the food pyramid.
I have no idea what to write now. This is so boring. Oh yes, there is something I wanna say. After reading Cheryl's blog, I realized something that made a little sense. 4E'o8 is not like the old 3E'07 anymore. Daggers have been stabbed, and cleaved. Scars remain forever. It is just so sad. We are in denial 4E. We truly are. I know all of us, even myself, want 4E to remain united forever, but we have to take a step back and look at the damage done. I am not the right person to say this, cos I am still holding onto a switchblade, a 9mm machine gun, an Uzi 9mm, a SPAS 12 pump action shotgun, aiming them at someone. So I have no right to tell us to stop this charade cos I have no intention of ending it like that, but I just want the remaining days to be as peaceful as possible.
Okay, I am not hungry anymore. Gonna go sleep now.
Valediction, simplified.
4:32 AM
I just woke up from a nap. I am so listless now. I am so pissed about the Geography paper just now. The freaking principal haven't gave me fucking official permission to allow me to give the paper a miss. So I had to take the fucking paper when I could have used the time to eat and get my History textbook. Now, I have no textbook to study for Wednesday. Joy. Retarded. There was a week to process this information to whoever at the headquarters to give me a new entry proof, but yet everyone is so inefficient that a week is not enough. Gosh. I am so pissed cos that one and a half hour could have been used to eat and take my textbook, and even study a little. But no, the retarded system says I have to take the exam anyway. I hate it when everyone stares at you when you are not doing the paper. All the unwanted attention is so irksome.
A.Maths P2 was absolutely horrendous today. Skipped a page worth of questions. I remember all the formulas, but the questions are too hard for me. Suck! This is the first time I felt a Math paper was so difficult. Hope I will score better than the hoe, though she put in more effort than me. I only started studying today, in the canteen, cos I didn't have any A.Maths stuff at home. I think I will be happy if I got a C6. Hope the 'O' Levels would be easier.
Went Subway for lunch just now. Ordered Subway Melt. It was okay, but I think I shouldn't have added in the cucumber. I just put them in for a balanced meal. The chocolate chip cookies were nice, though two was more than enough for me.
Gonna start History late at night. I gotta find all those friggin' notes which is all over the place.
I wanna meet Demi Lovato! And sample dinner tomorrow! :]
Sunday, September 7, 2008
8:38 AM
So tomorrow's school again. Can you spell IRKSOME? I am so not looking forward to school. But, I don't have the Monday blues, not to that extent at least. Maybe that's cos tomorrow is another exam day, which means EARLY DISMISSAL! And I will have the best school day tomorrow! I am gonna take my A.Maths test only. Geography is so history for me. I still have no idea the request for my dropping of the subject has reached the MOE headquarters yet, but since the principal allowed me to drop, then I am FREE for sure. Gonna hand in a blank paper and head to the library to do some History.
Oh, and I am gonna go for a sample dinner on Tuesday. And dinner equals a EXHILARATED ME! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YIPPEE! Has been a long time I had a fancy dinner at a hotel. And on September 20, the she-demons from Canada are coming for a visit. JOY, NOT! I still remember, and will always remember(I don't care how petty I am), the time when they told me to get out of their room when I accidentally got close to their room. Oh yes, and the time the lesser she-demon used her gigantic plush toy when I accidentally touched it. I am gonna give them the cold shoulder on that day, and if possible, ask them to get out of the country ASAP. Girls on the outside, behemoths on the inside. UGH!
I shall study my A.Maths now. Shall not let the pretentious hoe to win me again.
Friday, September 5, 2008
7:46 AM
Today is such a boring day, and it is Friday! It used to be the day when I will be so happy, cos it is a day where buffering is not a crime. Now, it is just like any other day, and it is such a draggy day! God, I have been wasting my day walking to rather far places to have my lunch, and walking back home. Oh yes, I bought a cap today! I can wear it out so people don't need to see my horrible, school day, nerdy, un-spiked hair, plus I don't need to wax my hair, which can be very irritating when my hair get longs. I remembered my record of re-washing and re-waxing my hair was 4 times. Yup, I am too vain. But at the same time, it means I am a perfectionist, which I think I am. I like to look my best when I'm out, so people will not have the idea that fat people wear sweat shirts all day long and have pizzas stains on their clothes every time. Oh yes, and that fat people have no taste in fashion and smell like sour milk. FYI, I like to keep myself clean and nice, there. I still can't believe how I would always wear a normal tee and normal pants out back when I was in the lower secondary days. But still I think I have weird taste for clothes, and I wear stuff people don't normally wear. But at least I think my taste for clothes is acceptable, in my class at least.
Gonna finish up some MCQs and get to sleep. I am going to have another Biology session tomorrow, at 10 am. Then I will be heading to the airport to pick up cousin Jerine. I want POPEYES! Haha! Oh and I also want the sinfully thick Milo from the Kopitiam beside the fast food restaurant. It's like, 4 humongous spoonfuls of Milo powder and very little water. It is like drinking Milo syrup or something. LOL. Their Horlicks is also very thick, very nice. Haha! I'm getting thirsty now. :x
There weren't a lot of people online today, especially the ones I usually talk to. Got so bored, but at least JiaRui heed my call and talked to me. Thanks! ^^ People are getting serious about this. Hmmmm, I shall too. Sorry 4E I love you and all but I'm gonna own the 'O's! Got that from Saleisha from ANTM and Rami from Project Runway. Haha! I am so bored now. I need someone form 4E to talk to. I need my daily dose of 4E affairs to get me through the days. I didn't meet anyone from 4E today. I feel sad. 4E brightens up my day. But I think I'm the dark clouds of 4E, being all negative and all. But I think I am very positive now.
I don't feel like studying History. It is so boring. I mean, very very very very very very very very very BORING! Who friggin' cares about Hitler of Stalin? It is rather amazing how humans manage to make such a simple subject, a subject of just facts and dates, into a draggy subject where things like 'cross-referencing' and 'contextual knowledge' is of much irritating importance. And the most ridiculous thing is source-based questions! Oh god, which teenager freaking gives a damn about what a bunch of historic people say, or some picture? And still we have to write novels about each and every source we see? Stupid!
Now, for my list of things I wanna buy recently:1. Camp Rock OST 2. Demi Lovato's Debut Album: Don't Forget
3. Chain from 77th Street(for my pants)4. Uni suspender(that doesn't make me look like a fat alcoholic)5. Bermuda shortsfrom 77th Street(which apparently can't fit me)6. Trousers(which can fit my legs loosely without looking ugly)7. Black beret from 77th street8. 'No Strangers Project' Tee from Giordano9. Starbucks bottle thingamajig10. Wallet from Wallet Shop
11. Jonas Brother's latest album(forgot the album name) and previous album
I think Joe Jonas is very familiar suddenly, like someone I met before. I think Nick Jonas has a very long face. I think Kevin Jonas needs professional hair assistance. His straightened hair looks like an ugly version of Olivia's hair(means your hair is nice Olivia, lol.). And when he 'bushes' it up, it's like he came from the 80's with a terible afro. No offense. But he can actually look better than now, but still he's very talented with his musical instruments. This is totally random. Haha.
Okay, I gotta rush my MCQs now. Farewell!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
9:27 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIARUI!!! Erm, I have no idea what to wish you. LOL. Okay, erm, hope you get taller! And wish that your Chemistry will get top! Erm, hmm, okay I am bad at wishing people. Okay, lastly, hope your training goes well and get 4 points for 'O' Levels! Haha!
So this weekend shall be the Avril Lavigne's Best Damned Tour. Wish I could go. I am a big fan of Avril Lavigne. I can still remember how I would watch her MVs 50++ times a day and never get tired of them. I missed her Bonez Tour so I guess another miss won't hurt that much. I like her song, 'I Will Be'. It's really what you would like to say to someone you love, which in my case, 4E and my NPCC friends!
Anyway, if y'all don't know who the hell Demi Lovato is, then here's a MV to let you guys know how talented she is.
I just love DEMI! WHOOOOO! Okay I'm bonkers.
Went to the History remedial today. Spend like the whole session talking to JiaJia on her answer sheet lol. Then went to buy JiaRui's present and chatted with JiaHui and Jolyn at Jack's Place. Then bus-ed home with JiaHui. Then went studying with Jane. Blah blah blah.
Okay goodbye! :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
10:02 AM
Just came back from studying with Jane. The RC had a very conducive environment to study. I did my Biology Specimen Paper 2006 from the TYS. Well, the MCQ only. I went through the Paper 2 on Sunday already so I don't plan to do it. Shall do the Biology Paper Mrs. Chew gave us tomorrow. There is a History remedial tomorrow. What a drag, but at least I can be glad about something: Getting to see everyone back in the classroom! I miss 4E, though I met like a quarter of us just yesterday. Speaking of yesterday...
We celebrated Olivia's super belated birthday. Met Pearl, JiaRui and Kim at Compass at 11pm while the Combined Science peeps went to school for practical practice(Assimilation to the max?). We went to Sembawang to buy some CDs, which apparently I never knew existed, the artistes that is. Sorry Olivia. :X After searching for a long time for the CDs(well we were actually looking at movies LOL), we went to Cold Storage to buy some chocolates and snacks. JiaRui and I then went to buy the paper bag at MiniToons which costed like $5.90! I can buy 2 bowls of my Shark's Fin Dong Fen. We then went to the corridor beside the LRT and started on the 'Hamper'. Jolyn joined us later. MeiJun, JiaHui and JiaJia then joined us after their practical. We then went to buy something to eat and I bought Pearly Bandung Soya(*Raises eyebrow at JiaHui. Haha!) Milk, and went down to buy my Shark's Fin Dong Fen. After eating everything that I bought, I was still kinda hungry. I have a feeling peristalsis at my oesophagus is retarded. Olivia then joined us and we went to Mac's to have our lunch. Placed the presents at her seat. Haha!

Then Kim went to 'poo' which was actually a lie so that they can order the earthquakes. Okay I have to speed this post up cos it's getting pretty late. Gave her the CDs in very unorthodox ways and then we went to Swensen's and sang her the birthday song. Blah, blah, blah. Oh let the picture do the talking.

Okay so we went to Kim's house and got a really bad headache. Everyone had lots of fun blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah. Then went to LJS to have dinner. The nostalgia there was foul indeed. Then went to buy my dinner. Blah blah blah. Went home and blah blah blah. End of that day.
Gotta go now. Good bye!
Monday, September 1, 2008
8:07 AM
Hello there dear old online diary! *Wipes away spiderwebs*
So it has been 3 days since I last blogged. So it is the holidays now, and I am not mugging like everyone else. Sorry Mr. Tien. :[ I am gonna be mugging a lot of Biology and History this week. These subjects just doesn't show how hard work can pay off, especially friggin' Biology. I shall study a little bit of Maths. Just gonna take the paper with a some formulas memorized and past experiences, equations after equations, for 2 years. Gonna start mugging tomorrow, intensively. I wanna do better than Mid-Years. Screwed them fucking papers, every single fucking one of them. Shall try not to this time.
Now that I look back on this past term, 9 weeks of emotional rehab, I can see myself a lot better, mentally healthier, than what I was in May. I can see myself a lot happier, and I have a lot of reasons to be, and more positive than before. Hmmmm, I did conclude myself that one of the roots of my hatred and sadness is from this certain someone, someone who feeds my hatred and inferiority every fucking single waking moment. But that is all in the past now. That dragon is no longer breathing down my neck. I'm feel so damn fucking FREE! Okay so the 'fucking' habit is coming back.
Oh, and not to forget:
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY OLIVIA, AND JACK! XDHaha, may you find Robert Downey Jr. in your room when you wake up! Okay I am such a bad person. I keep wishing belated-ly. Anyway, I shall be meeting Kim and Pearl tomorrow. A long time since I have came out of the house. Okay so it has been only 2 days but it seem like 2 eons.
I am also saving up for a new CD. AND WHO'S THE ARTISTE!?!?!?! IT'S.............*Drum roll*

WHEEEEEEE!!!! Okay I am nuts. But I like her voice. And I think she is better than Miley. I think Miley is a good singer, but Demi is better! So Miley acts better than Demi, but I still think Demi is a better singer than Miley. Demi's album is 'Don't Forget', and the song 'Get Back' is real cool. Shall save up for September! Lots of presents to buy, for others and myself! HAHA!
Well, I have enough rest. Now it is time to mug. Toodles!