Saturday, August 30, 2008
5:00 AM
So it has been 2 days since I visited my blog. Though my MSN status was online the past few days, I was actually sleeping. I have sleeping quite early for the past 2 days, hoping that that depressing dagger on my heart would go away. But every time I woke up, it comes back to haunt me. I didn't study at all these past two days. I am too distracted over something else to even open the books.
Let's talk about yesterday first.
Yesterday was Teachers' Day and ACES Day. Went to school a little bit earlier than usual to write on Mr. Tien's cardboard thingy. Went to the hall to do some stupid aerobics. Honestly, the aerobics were friggin' stupid. I mean, the movements looked like what Barney would have done on TV. It's not that I'm lazy or anything. It is just that the actions were so irksome and makes us look like circus freaks at the gym. While everyone was so high with the exercise, I did really small movements to save some face for myself. After the exercise, we went back to class. Changed, and went back to the hall. Watched the performances. Thought all the dance were pretty nice, but the singing totally felt like knives on my ear drums. The nice part was the video with Ms Ng and Ms Pey dressed up in school uniform. LOL. After the concert 4E rushed back to class to make the final preparations. Celebrated Mr. Tien's belated birthday and gave him the watch and cake we bought the other day.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MR TIEN!!! XDAfter the celebration I went back home to change. I took a rather long time to do my hair and pick out my clothes due to the lack of preparation caused by my early shut eye the previous day. Met the other at Compass and went to Plaza for lunch at Pastamania. Had Aglio Olio, which Jolin said was nice. It was quite nice, for a dish that is the cheapest on the menu. LOL. Then went to Marina Square to watch 4bia. It was quite nice. Luckily all of us could get in. We sat on the floor so that no one would be left out. Very fun LOL. Then Bella kept tapping on my shoulder. FREAKED ME OUT! HAHA! Then after that half of us left and YanLing, JunLeong, JiaRui and I went to Novena for steamboat, which made my day. Well, a lot of things made my day. I guess y'all know. :) Managed to rush home to catch D.Grayman. OMG! LAU JIMIN IS SO COOL! XD

I love hanging out with 4E peeps. Love you guys!
Woke up at 6.30am today. Couldn't sleep cos the room was too stuffy. This is the first time in my life I woke up so early by myself. Went to the coffee shop downstairs for breakfast, first time since ages ago. Have been waking up at 12++ for past year on weekends. Then went to my brother's seniors' POP, which was rather quiet. I think just all the Sec. 4 band members from our school can make up their whole CCA. LOL. They had really little people. What a pity. Came home and slept until 5pm. Woke up and did a little bit of Biology, well, only drew a graph. Have to prepare for tomorrow's Bio lesson, at home. First tuition in 5 years. Hmmmmm, I didn't miss those dreaded lessons at all.
Feeling listless now. Wanna go Hougang Mall now, maybe later I guess.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
5:47 AM
Went for the Geography paper today. I finished the paper in a minute, writing only a gigantic 'I'M DROPPING'. After the paper, we went to the hall for some talk about salary, or 'salaly', lols. Then went to Chemistry Lab for a short briefing. After that went to Compass with the other Pure Pure students, cept this time someone decided not to join in the crowd. *Rolls eyes* Had breakfast at Ya Kun, and talked a lot. Then walked around and waited for the other Combined Science students to come. Looked around and finally got something. Then went to buy a box for it. Olivia joined us and we bought another something. Olivia left and we went to Cold Storage to do some grocery shopping. Then went to JiaJia's house to bake. Made the cornflakes thingy and I made my first pile of dough! Played with my dough for a long time, turning it into a DITTO! Had a lot of pictures but decided not to post them today since I am dead beat. Made a very big 'L' shape for myself, while JiaHui made a very big 'S' (ass) for herself and MeiJun made dough cutlery. LOL. Talked a lot and had a lot of fun. Ate chicken nuggets and french fries with the really really nice CHILLI! Then took our group picture and went home.
I am in a very foul mood now. Found out something that happened to me. Bloody shit. This is a terrible thing that happened, It may affect my life, or maybe not. I don't know. I'm confused, angry and dispirited, simultaneously! Sigh. Really wish to get better now. I am really in a bad mood now. You can ask me about what happened but I am not gonna tell you. It is too deep a secret.
Well, at least there is still a steamboat dinner tomorrow. LX is coming! ;)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
5:44 AM
Had our E.Maths and A.Maths papers today. Was a very exhausting day. I think I screwed up both papers, but it's over. No point dwelling on them. But at least there was a piece of good news. I am catching up with everyone else in Chemistry! Yippee! I am really happy that our class did exceptionally well, and overall we hit Mr. Tien's target.
Hmmmm, really wanna buy something from Action City now. Should get something to accompany Hottie. Maybe I could get something with Jane and Ernest. A Breadou, maybe? Or an Elmo. Really don't know what to choose. Oh well, I will figure something out.
Today was buffer day. Slept from 6pm to 9pm. Rejuvenated me. Really alive now. Okay this post is really not up to my English standard. It is like a compilation of terribly short sentences. I was planning to play a little bit of GrandChase today but decided not to in case I get addicted. Since I have already survived 9++ weeks of not having to game, how would 54 more days hurt, right?
I have to give Mr. Seah another letter to drop Geography. Apparently, I placed my first letter in one of the 6 pigeon-holes he has in the HOD room. LOL. No wonder there was no response from him, for weeks. So tomorrow, I will go to the hall, with no knowledge of the subject at all, and take the 1 and a half hours to improve my drawing skills. Feel like drawing a crossword puzzle with everyone's name form 4E inside. So cool. Okay totally random but hey, I have a boring life! Won't hurt to spruce it up a little.
Shall read my Kingdom Hearts 2 Volume 2 now. Looking forward to the STEAMBOAT DINNER on Friday! WHEEEEE!
I love everyone of you! *Looks at YanLing and smiles* Haha! I'm serious!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
6:57 AM
"It's too late to apologize." Hee.
Yup, you should know what I'm trying to say here. 'Forgive and forget' is what I have been trying to do all this term, and I did! But this time, no. In fact, what has been done makes it impossible to do that. Even villains in Disney movies die, or what does that make in reality. Hmmm, no need to elaborate on this matter. Unforgivable, unforgettable. The scars shall remain here, always.
Had our English and SS Test today. I was damn tired today, don't know why. I was really tired yesterday night too, so I didn't study for SS, only read through. I was half asleep while writing my essay, and fell asleep half way through my SS source-based questions, but I didn't fall asleep while reading the comprehension passage like I thought I would. Come to think of it, I have been falling asleep quite a lot these past few days. *Shrugs chin and flashbacks*
On Saturday, I woke up at 7am to meet Jane and Ernest at Compass. Got incessant stomachaches and was late by half an hour. Went to eat porridge at Yoshi cos I didn't wanna eat fast-food. They came to Yoshi instead and we chatted a lot. Gossiped for like 2 hours before Jane had to leave. Went with Ernest to Jon's house to study.
OMG! Jon's house is so NICE! It looked really new, like they just moved or something. Had a little cake and continued my Chemistry TYS. Was half way through my Section B of 2004 and
fell asleep while Jon and Ernest were molesting each other. LOL. Then his mum cooked and we ate fried rice. OMG! Thank you Jon for your hospitality!
Then went to Compass, again, and met up with JiaHui at Mac's. Jolyn and JiaRui came later. Got chased out by some wretched auntie and I had to eat my McFlurry by the corridor beside the MRT station. Took out my Chemistry TYS to do again. It was really hard to do the TYS while sitting straight so I lied on the floor to do it. Was halfway through another question and
fell asleep again. It was so
malu! I looked like I was some homeless dude with no where to go but the side of the MRT station. GARH! There was also a weird lady who walked to us and gave JiaRui and I bibles, and repeatedly said 'Bless You'. Woke up after an hour or so and found out JiaHui has already left and JiaRui was leaving. So it left me and Jolyn. Rushed my Section B and went home.
On Sunday, I was at home all day. Was just starting my 2005 TYS, Section B, and
fell asleep on my bed for 2 hours. Then I studied my Chem from 1am to 2am. Haha!
Just woke up from a 5-hour
nap and just finished my dinner. Just wanna blog to wake myself up. Shall start Maths at 12 midnight, the time when my brain cells are at their most hyperactive.
Oh yes, was really touched by the edited photos on Jane's blog. Was the first time in my entire life someone did that for me. I am a lot happier now, now that I don't have to attend to someone's trivial needs. Friends stay true forever. Come to think of it, I wanna thank Bella, YanLing, LX, Jane, ChengSiong, and YiHao(surprisingly ;} ) for being so concerned about me the past week. And come to think of it again, I have made a lot of people worry for me this year. Well, I shall be a better friend, and shall not make you guys so worried anymore. Now I know who are my true friends. They stick with me when I need them the most, and they give me their support when I need it most. Friends do not badmouth you behind your back, and they know how to apologize if they did something wrong. They are sincere, honest, and will never ever back stab you. I love you guys! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
2:39 AM
As I stress again, your over use of vulgarities and profanities just shows how incompetent you are, and how horrendous your English language is. You brag about all your books and how you read all those, what were they, Twilight, Breaking Dawn, New Moon. Oh if you want to lie about your high English standards to everyone, do it with much more conviction for god's sake. Holding a thick book doesn't mean you are good in that language. It just shows that you are Eunice, Kim, Olivia, or Ian-wannabe.
So what if I got nothing to show off to the world? My life does not revolve around incessant bragging and arrogance. But at least there is one thing I can brag about - I don't betray my friends for my own personal gains. Please just accept the cold ugly truth that he doesn't want you anymore! Stop putting on a strong front and acting as though nothing happened. And yes, you do have many other friends outside. But are they even close? Do they call you besties? Please spare us a trip to the sickbay.
So what if I am not as rich as you? That proves nothing. Bragging about that only tells everyone that you are plain arrogant. Money is not going to buy you your 'O' Level results. Your brain must be bombarded with so much money that you have turned into a numbskull. Your wealthiness doesn't match your morality at all. And don't assume that money is always by your side. It is not like your father will never retire. Judging from that pathetic amount of effort you put in for your studies, your career is opening it's gates to you - prostitution - at the streets of Geylang. Maybe, 10 years from now, I can see you there through my car windows, standing there all alone, just like in secondary school, hoping someone would be blind enough to get laid by you. Stop using your father's money to scare us. You not only fail, you also make more people annoyed at you. JianYu and Cheryl are so much richer than you but they don't even brag about it. You just bring copious 50-dollar notes are fling it in the air hoping that the whole world would admire you. You think you are the pride and joy of your family. Please. You are the heaviest chore they brought upon themselves. And you, a daughter? Please, you are a smelly wrestler trapped in an ugly, hormonally berserk girl.
Even if I am fat, at least I can shed them off. At least I have friends who are willing to help me. My problem is on a physical scale, at least. Given your diabolical disposition, I doubt anyone is willing to help you get rid of that skin of yours, which so happens to be a lot thicker than continental crusts! And I was meaning to ask you? How many mirrors do you break in an hour? Quite a lot I must assume since the mere sight of you makes babies cry. To put it in a straightforward tone, you have a flat face, and your mouth looks like a blackhole, but rubbish comes out from it instead being sucked in. And your ego is another gargantuan issue. If you were to compare my weight with your ego, I would weigh as light as a feather. And is fat all you can call me? What else? Impecunious? What else? Don't flame when you have nothing worth reading to say.
At least I have friends who would come to my funeral. No one would even bother planning one for you. I don't even think anyone would even go to the trouble of digging a grave for you. Your stinking corpse will just head to Tuas, like all the other garbage in the country. Has the Ghost Of Christmas Yet To Come find you yet? Sure not. People would be so zealous over your death that they make it a public holiday - "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead Day!".
If you think I'm chicken, then what about you? Why don't you confront me first? CHICKEN? I don't think it is worth having to walk over to your place to confront you. I would be too kind if I did so. And this is a very important newsflash to you: HAVING MONEY DOESN'T MAKE YOU HIGH-CLASSED! Your mouth alone can degrade the whole of the Orchard district without even you trying! The branded goods you wear, your body and image just degrades them instantaneously.
Stop acting like some prima donna in class and a diva in school. People find you absolutely disgusting. Maybe, if you had some modesty left in you, you won't be seen as a loose woman in school. Stop kissing up to everyone in class. It is so shameless. People talk to you because they feel sorry for you. Be happy 4E people are nice. If you were thrown out of the streets let's see who would pity you. And I know how you play this. I out talk you and you use your ultimate weapon - those gross crocodile tears of yours. If you really can fight, prove it with your mouth and mind, not your pathetic tear glands!
Well, sympathy is your closest companion now. Can't blame you if you are pulling friends over by their feet. In fact, carry on with your shameless shenanigans, because I find it rather amusing. I will pray for your bankruptcy, your disfiguration, and your bleak future.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
9:42 AM
PATHETIC KISS-UP OF THE ERAFirst of all, you have just degraded yourself 6 x 10^23 levels with that post. I spelled out your full name properly, cos I thought enemies should have common courtesy too. Unlike you, I didn't insult your father with any cheesy ridiculous corruption of your surname. At least I try to maintain my decorum. It wasn't your father who I hate. You chose this path, this path that led to us being enemies. Not lugubrious in any way, I am rather impassive about this matter. Exams are nearing, and you are not going to be the main factor contributing to my possibly bleak future. I admit I'm partially at fault in this matter, but I think you are mainly at fault. Do you see me having bitch-fests with Jane, YanLing, or even Bella? It just happens to be you, only. I honestly treated you as a good friend, a very close friend even, but since you want to break this tie, I am very fine with it. I took all your criticism, swallowed it and forgot it. I carried your bag, held your books, rushed to lend you money, but yet were still ill-disposed towards me, and chose to take my patience for granted. Fine, my patience has been used up, and I am not going to end this without a fight. It is time you have a taste of your medicine, it is time you lost for once.
I admit I do not have many connections in my whole 16-year life. That is because I want to maintain a close relationship with my friends, so I feel more comfortable with a small social circle. I may not have many friends, but at least I have more close friends than you. Tell me, do you even have more than 10 close or even best friends? It is useless to make so many friends and you keep them in your contacts and let them remain stagnant. I build a strong bond with my friends so they will come to my aid, so that we can enjoy the true pleasures of pure, true friendship. But, you have copious friends, and only a handful of close friends, and let's not get me started in class. Alone, in the class, paying attention in class cos you have no one to talk to. No one talks to you why? Because you are contemptible and contentious! You are pathetic! You keep having the mentality that losing one friend makes no significant difference to your, I must say, unsuccessful life. Fine, but why not try 5 or even 10? You say you can survive without friends, you know why? Because you have, oops, had your love. And if I can remember, you threw away your best friend for him. Now, he doesn't want you anymore. Just makes me laugh whenever I think about it. You brought this upon yourself, let me stress again. I descried, and you are now a pathetic, useless pile of biomass who crawling to one corner to another, pulling one classmate at a time to become your next
niggy, someone to be your next dog, someone who would assist you in every aspect, of deplorable triviality I must add. Good luck on your search, you will need it. Oh and must I tell you what a friend is? A friend is someone who is true to you, and remains loyal to you despite the odds. Your backstabbing gets you no where. If you can backstab a friend, then it is concluded that you are the most ill-favoured scum in the Milky Way!
I know I am not smart. Jane and I are not the smartest of people in 4E. But just because a few teachers say you are intelligent doesn't give you any right to be egotistical and supercilious. Look at Pearl. Look at Kim. They excel but they don't brag about the immense effort they put in. You? You finish a set of homework and revision and go on and on about how you completed them before the deadline. To our chagrin, your perpetual bragging feels like arrows to our ears. Fine, it is not a bad thing to finish homework. But do you even improve from it? It is not like you have shown visible leaps in your academic life. I am telling you now, blatantly, that your bragging and arrogance is based on a weak foundation - completing work assignments. And you must be ridiculous of the highest level to say that I mug. I don't. I study, but I don't do it with a lot of effort, not as much as you said at least. Not to brag, but even though I didn't study for long hours for the Electrolysis test, I still got second in 4E. You studied too but you didn't reach the mark. So don't make spurious assumptions about this kind of things, because it really degrades one's ability to soar to greater heights.
Don't think you are some big-shot queen of utmost omnipotence. What you have is money. You use it to manipulate people. For goodness sake, it is secondary school. Prove your worth with your brain! Stop flashing your cash all around and showing off to everyone about how much money you have got for a shopping spree. Buy an LV Bag for all we care. Do you hear a lot of compliments about your accessories? We judge you not on how branded your things are, but by your moral values, your personality. Splurge for all we care, just remember that one day when those cold, hard, crisp, green pieces of papers are no longer in your reach, you will know how we feel. Stop showing off your bags. It only tells us about your arrogance. And you should really cut the ever-annoying 'life-of-a-peasant' thing. You are just annoying people about how you try to resist spending on expensive stuff but still buys them in the end because you are just too pampered. Speaking of how spoilt you are, just for your information, people who use money to manipulate people to do your bidding is a very brazen thing to do. One word can be used to describe people like you - bimbos. Just wait till the day when you finally achieve a deeper understanding of things will you realize how superficial and shallow you are doing - pulling puppet strings with cash.
I said it before, and I will say it again. I am straight. It is your problem if you still insist on having 'gay' as my sexual orientation. I am fine with the fact that I'm corpulent and have no figure, honestly. But please, take a look at in the mirror. You may have the figure, but your face looks like you sunbathed your face with concentrated acid as your sun screen. Your gums are thicker than your lips! But your face is minuscule to your inner ugliness. I don't need to say it hear to let you know what people feel about your face. The broken mirrors have said enough. Plastic surgery won't help much to your irreparable face. At least I have liposuction.
Lastly, I am not scared of you. I am behind a computer screen indeed. But you are hiding too. Since you are not pleased with me, why don't you confront me first? Absolute sheer cowardice. Or it is just that no one is willing to carry you to my seat to confront me? I am merely playing how you wanted this game to be played. An eye for an eye. A knife for a knife. You should be the one who should confront me! If you did so earlier, we wouldn't be like this now. Now, I just have to finish this game and focus on my academics. And you still have thick-skinned face left call yourself 'great'? Before readers start seeing their meals, I have to say I admire how thick your skin is. So I am shallow, eh? We shall see about that then.
Let me sum this up in a sentence:
You are a perfidious, contemptible boot-licker who fails at putting on a strong front when you are evidently desperate and you absolutely positively cannot survive without friends, which you treat as collectibles on a shelf.
1:24 AM
Our time together is nearing an end.
May our souls forever be chained together.
Never be apart.
Because fate has brought us as one.
We may never be able to see one another in the same walls again
And breathe the same stifling air
But we will always remember the times we shared
The memorabilia in our hearts.
I love our laughter
I love our journey together
I love the time I shared with you
I love how we remained as one, despite all the obstacles
I love you, eternally,
Monday, August 18, 2008
8:14 AM
I really need to blog to feel better today.
I am in a seriously bad mood today.
Dang! A lot of unhappy things happened to me today. Fuck! But the happy thing is that I can solve all the QA questions given today. :)
Betrayal and Deceit, lost Redemption: Okay so this doesn't concern me at all, but still I was very shocked by it. I think most of you should know about the whole issue already. Though the matter is over already, I am still quite shocked how some people can use friendship as a mask to hide their true ugly colors. Sad, but it's fact.
JACK SKELLINGTON! Where are you?!: I can't believe I lost my Jack Skellington! Fuck! Must have fell out of my bag in the bus or while waiting for the bus at the bus stop. Bloody hell. I was still building our bond together, and now he's on the streets, alone, cold, dirty, or maybe in Tuas by now. Terrible. I shall buy another one by this week. Missing you Jack!
Silent swordplay: Today is the declaration of War. The backstabbed(s) VS the backstabber. Since you wanna play it this way, so be it. Don't think I will hesitate to go against you. I won't stop until all the knives on me ends up on you! Scheme all you one. Two heads are better than one. Plus, I think you know who started this whole stab-fest. I treated you as a very good friend, and tried to forget the deprecating remarks you made about me. Fine, we shall see who has the happy ending. And don't bother trying to convince us that you found back your LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. Oh get a grip, you are nothing now. You had them but you decided to throw it away. You only have yourself to blame for your pathetic state now. And by the way, we don't even need vulgarities to fight this Cold War. Uncivilized.
Terribly long journey home: Didn't bring my keys today so I had to walk all the way to my aunt's house to get the keys from my mum. But my aunt gave me wrong information and said that the keys were in the shoes at my shoe rack. Then after having lunch, I rushed home cos of my annoying stomachache and found out it wasn't there. Then waited for my aunt to bring me the keys to my house.(Thanks lol.) By the time, I had a stomachache and felt like puking. Horrendous.
Binge! Binge! Binge! : Mourning over the death of Jack Skellington(though he's already dead), I went to the coffee shop near my house and ate a lot. First I ordered Old Cucumber Soup. After finishing it, I ordered Sambal Seafood Fried Rice. It was a gargantuan serving and I had to force myself to finish the whole damn thing. It tasted really good at first, but having to taste the same old taste can be boring and nauseating. Then, to make my lunch not so nauseating, I bought Fishball Soup, with 8 fishballs inside. So, I finished everything, by myself, and felt like I ate 10 elephants. Vomited, a lot.
Really wanna go buy some clothes and some merchandise from Comics Connection. Hmmmm, but that would mean being alone. I wonder which guy in class would wanna go out with me. Guess no one.
Friday, August 15, 2008
7:08 AM
Okay so I promised myself that I wouldn't blog anymore, but I feel I am not part of 4E if I didn't.
Just gonna talk about the fucking thing that happened today. It has been a long time since I 'vulgar-ized' my posts for a very long time(Notice how I replace fucking with friggin'?)
Anyway, here's the scoop. Today we had our E.Maths Test, which sucks by the way cos I only finished up to question 5 and I didn't bring my fucking calculator so I couldn't calculate my fucking standard deviations and means. Fuck! I had to use the ancient method of calculating myself on paper 27 x 7! Fuck those VECTORS! Anyway, we had the test in the DNT Room. But, unfortunately, the air-conditioner was turned off and some of us already wore our hoodie. WTF! Then the
MAN-BITCH came in and started shouting at us and told us to take off our
HOODIES. But my desk partners(Censorship?*}) only wore the hoodie, without their school uniform inside. Fine, so it wasn't right, but you were wrong in the first place to have told us to take our hoodies off! Who the hell gave you the right to add in school rules?! By the way, stop thinking that you are
EMPEROR in the school and everyone has to greet you when they see you. Please, we don't even do that to the principal, and why the hell should we do it to you? EXCUSE ME
SIR BITCH-ALOT! It is obvious that you are plain old jealous that we
ROCK at having
CLASS SPIRIT and you don't! I bet if we brought our own jackets you wouldn't even have mind.
JEALOUSY!Later that day, the
man-bitch went around doing what he does best-
bitching. Now, not only have you made 38 more students hate you, you also made yourself known as a
BITCH, and you are a man for god's sake! 4E is not going to let you off if the verdict is against us! It is not like we did anything to offend you. And what crime did we commit when we made our hoodie?! Get a life, seriously.
PISS OFF! GET A GRAVE! FUCK OFF! To desk partners:Cheer up! It is not your fault. It was his fault right from the start. Don't be too affected by his words. There is no need to feel guilty at all. Do you hear anyone blaming y'all? No right? Anyway, you can just use your ultimate weapons - Parental Support! Haha! I know we are supposed to forgive and forget, but we shall not rest until this cycle of vengeance has come full-circle! Forget about his bitching, and be positive again! Smile always! Come on, I am the one saying this, and I am the one being told all this on a daily basis! Our place falls apart when you guys are mad. I really don't know what to do already. People cheer me up, not the other way round. LOL. Sad but true. Stop being lugubrious and feckless, tomorrow is a whole new day, and we can wear our hoodie to the library! I am so not used to being positive. LOL. Love Maths again!Just a little side track:
If you have a problem with me, just fucking say it in my face! You think you are the only one in class who schemes?! BRING IT ON! Let's see who gets the last laugh. You are obviously losing everything that was close to you, and you brought it upon yourself. Frankly, I feel a lot better. ever since I freed myself from your clutches of bitchy-ness. I can't believe I was actually stabbed by you in the back for countless times, and I only noticed this after my back has rotted. Your one and only love is gone, you gave up your best friend, and you schemed to annihilate both of us. I don't feel any sadness. I feel angry, frustrated. You think I will stay quiet and let you criticize me all the way? No way. I will unleash him. He, whose words pierce like daggers. Watch me!
No need for valediction this time.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
3:19 AM
As I said before, I was mentally prepared for the bombshell. Well, to be frank, I knew my limits in the subject, and a B4 was not a bad score for me, compared to the D7s I got these few years. Luckily I wasn't the last. Well, I will try harder.
This shall be the last post before the 'O' Levels. I need all the time to focus and concentrate on my studies. My main goal for the 'O' Levels is to prove to me, and everyone else that I'm not stupid and I have the capacity to take on Pure Science and
ROCK at it. I will have to make sacrifices then. My only buffers for a week are:
1) Morning in the canteen, a.k.a Nappy time.
2) Wednesday night, 11pm to 11.30pm.
3) Friday night, 11pm to 11.30pm.
I have no more time left. I am actually scared of the 'O's now. Oh well.
Monday, August 11, 2008
3:49 AM
Went to Oral Practice just now. Quite effective, to me at least. But, before the practice, we played VOLLEYBALL at the hall. Apparently, no one likes to hit back my ball. LOL. Is my spike that hiong? The feeling wasn't the same as the time we played in ECP though. don't know why, but still it was fun, and I got to perspire!
I have come up a list of imperfections that I wanna, you know, perfect?
1. My friggin' triglyceride-blanketed body- Liposuction, or any other new discovery for slimming down in 10 years time.
2. My figure- Gym-ing.
3. My stupidity- Study more.
4. My evil and maniacal side- Subject myself to pure kindness and compassion, or to put it in short, learn from 4E people.
5. My over-sensitivity- I have no idea.
6. My low tolerance for sad things- Be positive? Like it's that easy.
7. My laziness- Self motivation, like it's that easy to find.
Okay, so I have a million other flaws but I guess these are the main ones? Okay so I'm the only one in 4E who have to worry about them. 4E, you have minor flaws, face the facts. Shit I have major flaws.
But nonetheless, I still have to continue breathing, don't know why still.
I feel so depressed after this post. Whatever.
By the way, I want everyone to see this video. It really shows how trust and friendship can easily be thrown out the window.
And this video too. Do you see a part of me in the girl in yellow?
Well, that's all.
Friday, August 8, 2008
8:37 AM
Just back from class outing.
4E ROCKS HARDCORE!OMG! I love you guys.
Shall keep this post short and sweet.
Why you guys rock?1) You guys gave me a new-found interest: VOLLEYBALL!2) You guys cheered me up when I felt inferior, especially MR. TIEN, JANE, ERNEST and LIMXUN!3) You guys make very very very very very very very very very very GOOD FRIENDS!4) You guys help me when I'm in trouble, or you know, when I was lugubrious.The class outing was very fun today! I learnt how to play VOLLEYBALL! Oh and I took a lot of pictures with some people, especially Jane. My objective was to take photos with 5 people, and I did! The people are: Jane, WenXin, JieHui, Ernest and LimXun.
Okay, shall go bathe now. Toodles!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
6:39 AM
It is gonna be our last class outing before the 'O' Levels. Yup, this is our last time we can slow down our engines and relax. I am gonna chiong my Chemistry TYS later. I feel very motivated. I just bought my new outfit for the class outing. It consists of a white tee from Giordano and a a pair of shorts from I.P.Zone. But the main motivation I got today is my Chemistry results. It may not be much, but at least I PASSED! This proves that I am not totally incompetent and there may still be hope for me. Got a 32/50. B4. Good start, for me that is.
We will be having my class outing tomorrow. Hope I don't get back by an ambulance tomorrow. I still remembered the last class outing we had at East Coast Park. That day was a terribly unlucky day for me. I shall recall...
1) Screwed Biology Skill 1, cos I practically left the whole thingy blank.
2) Fell down while trying to STAND on my blades. Spraint my wrist.
3) Decided to walk but ended up with 2 blisters, one on each foot.
4) Tried to get to the barracks during HIGH TIDE and got a cut on my foot by a piece of glass.
Damn suay.
Screwed up both Maths tests, again. Will be getting F9s. My KAWAII! didn't save me from the clutches of Trigonometry. Shall show you a picture of him/her( he/she's a hermaphrodite):

Everyone is so much better than me in Maths,
DANG! Even LimXun, and Ernest are getting to the top few. Not that I'm looking down on them, but I'm just jealous they are so smart and get A1s without much effort.
Went shopping with Bella at Compass just now. She bought her moisturizer and I went to Giordano to buy my shirt. Cherie said shirts there cost 30++ bucks, but I bought one with only 10 bucks! WHEEEE! Saw LX and gang and gave him back the $5 which I didn't really need. Oh not to forget, THANKS BELLA, LIMXUN, AND OLIVIA for lending me money when I was at my most impecunious state!
Oh and LX gave me a very cute thingy-which-I-have-no-idea-what-it-is-called:

Shall take a shower now. Then I will do my Chemistry TYS.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
1:18 AM
It's a miracle! I'm home and it's only 4.19pm!
I realized I mistake in my SPA yesterday. But some said it might be negligible. Oh well, that chapter of my life has come to a close and a new one has started. I can't believe I managed to stay positive all day today! It has been a long time since I felt so bubbly in a long time. The last time I ever felt that way was during, erm, CNY decoration? It is very weird when the people who had always been cheering me up all this while is feeling down and you just can't help but to brighten their mood. PURE CHEM PEOPLE! CHEER UP! The banned word is over. Trust me, you will all get A1s, cept me of course.
Decided not to go the Combined Humanities remedial today. I don't see a point in staying cos I will probably be chit-chatting with everyone. Might as well stay at home and do my A.Maths. Two tests tomorrow, what a drag.
Like the skin? I rewrote my 'About Myself' too. Help me check for grammatical errors and inappropriate vocabulary. Thanks a bunch!
Speaking of grammatical errors, we got back our English essay test today. I was quite happy that Ms Betsy Teo didn't tear my paper. Got an 18, out of 30. My story was about this guy's wife who got killed and cannibalized by the killer. Maybe if I just wrote about how the killer dismembered her, put all the body parts into a luggage, and throw her into a lake, maybe I would have gotten, erm, 19? LOL. I think I could have gotten a 20 if I wrote something less gruesome. She said I was rather fluent and promising. Yay my essay is improving! I never gotten higher than 18 though. :[
Saw JieLing just now at Kovan. It was really weird, cos she shouted 'Hi' to me like we haven't seen each other in ages. LOL. I do miss the Area 7 friends I made throughout the whole 4 years. Garh, change, I can't accept it.
Shall do some Maths now. Adieu.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
6:09 AM
This shall be my last post before I change this skin to another. This skin has been with me for quite some time, 10 months to be exact. But, it seemed like I only changed it yesterday. Fine so I'm the only one who would talk about their skin so emotionally, but I think skins have feelings too, right? Okay so people think I'm nuts. But the next skin does relate to a little craziness.
Anyway, CHEMISTRY SPA IS FINALLY OVER! HOOORAAAYYY! Well, not exactly. If I get to go home early, I will feel clueless, and the voice of the classroom seems to call me back. So, I will still stay in school, since I have gotten over porridge already. I felt so happy when I saw the question today. I don't know if it's allowed to be said to the public or not so I shall not say it here.
Went to AMK Hub with YanLing, JunLeong, JiaRui and Cherie just now. Watched The Mummy. It was quite a good movie, though I thought some scenes were kinda fake, especially the part where 'chocolate' came out of the emperor's mouth and encased him in a stone statue. But, the storyline was quite good though I thought the terracotta soldiers shouldn't be considered mummies. Very exciting, 3.5 potato wedges out of 5!
There is a new movie coming out soon: Bad Habits. It's about this girl who is quite plump, corpulent to be exact(Not as bad as me though), and her mother doesn't want her to be plus-size, a term I would like to use on girls ONLY. Her mother keeps on telling her that(as quoted), "Nobody likes fat people." and "You are fat and ugly." So true. Also, her mother tells her that Hunger is a deadly sin. thus, her mother constantly wants her to slim down. However, she lost only 300 grams after that period of time. And I saw a ridiculous yet crazy thing her mother said to the doctors, "Can we aim for a kilo by next week?" Oh my gosh. The mother is a psychopath. It is showing in the Picturehouse and I can't wait to watch it. I wanna know what happens to the pitiful little girl. I think I can really relate to this movie. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from it.
Shall end this post here. My new skin awaits!
Monday, August 4, 2008
6:39 AM
I'm officially over my obsession over porridge. After days, no, weeks of not eating porridge on a daily basis, the feeling, the craving, has faded. Currently, I'm in search for the next porridge.
Today shall be the last post by Nigel, the Nigel that is always depressed, sad, frustrated, and easily aggravated. Tomorrow shall decide my personality for the rest of the year - even more depressed and angry or a whole new start to positivity. Judgment is upon us Pure Chemistry Elites( except me, I'm the last among all of us after all).
I failed my E.Maths Test: 40/100. Screwed the other too: 69/100. Whatever. Obviously I have no subjects I can put into consideration for my L1R5. And next week we will get our 'O' Level Chinese results back. I can just see it,"And the only person who did not get an A1 and shall be the only one continuing taking Chinese is..........Nigel!" Yes, I am mentally prepared for the bombshell, though tears will still flow.
Good luck for Chemistry Skill 3 tomorrow people! Shall keep my TYS into my bag now.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
8:27 AM
Today is a boring day. Monday blues are already strangling me, and it's not Monday! I'm not done with my Chinese zuo ye yet. Shall wait for my dad to come home and explain the freaking Chinese words to me.
I'm really tired. I really want the school to let us rest for a day, and teachers are forbade to call us back. If that ever happens, I will sleep the whole day, waking up naturally after getting tired of dreaming(NEVER!), and relax the whole day. When the next day comes, I will start my engine at full speed, and continue this strenuous brain sprinting. I feel sorry for my brain. It is so exhausted and yet he cannot rest till my homework is complete and my tests well-prepared for.
Just went to Kim's blog. Saw the poem, and it was so good! Plus, I thought the codename was funny: Sharon. LOLOL. And she got like 10++ presents. Even all my presents, form Sec1 to 3, can't add up to that number. I may sound like a little girl, but this is my list of things I want for my birthday:
1. A fantastic day spent with all my friends.
2. A enormous feast with all my friends.
3. A poem written by one of my friend cum English professor(Not to copy Kim, but it will be very touching.)
4. A bunch of black roses(Again, not to copy Kim, but I always liked black flowers, and roses look nice in black without looking wilted.)
5. A bunch of photos taken with every single one of my friends.
6. People to actually device a plan to surprise me on my birthday.(Sadly, no one has really done that before.)
7. A family-free day. (Let's not have history repeat itself. Plus, they won't even get me anything.)
8. A cake bought by my friends. And candles to blow.
9. More than 10 people to say 'Happy Birthday' to me.
10. An exhilarating, ecstatic, anger-free day of fun.
Looking at how everyone else had a great time on their birthdays, compared to mine, I can an assumption:
I am merely a classmate, a squadmate, one of no importance, one that has no profound impact on anyone's life. I am just a friend, and always will be, just a friend. Never will people put an adjective in front of the word. No, a friend, a plain old friend.
I am not trying to imply something. Neither am I blaming anyone for my insignificant existence. During my birthday, people were on planes, people were on different soil, people were busy, people were too tired, people didn't care.
Nigel says that I'm not being a good friend. Jigoku Shounen says I'm being too paranoid. Who is telling me the truth. The truth does hurt though.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
1:13 AM
Just finished a quiz:
Greed: | High
Gluttony: | High
Wrath: | High
Sloth: | High
Envy: | High
Lust: | Low
Pride: | High
Discover Your Sins - Click HereJust back from Plaza Singapura. LOL. Went there just for lunch.
Had Chemistry Mock Exam today. IT WAS JUST HORRIBLE!!! Will be expecting a single digit on my paper. It was so difficult! Plus, I only started studying during the Geography paper. Yesterday, when I took my notes on 'Solids, Liquids and Gases' out, I fell asleep, and the next thing I know was that it was 7 am in the morning already and the first page of the notes was torn cos I slept on it. Showered and rushed to school. I was the last to arrive. Dang! I screwed my Chem! Shit! I really wanna do well for the subject. Sigh, I guess I have no choice but to perfect my Skill 3.
Had Oral Practice yesterday. I was laughing non-stop LOL. And I had my stupid problem again. I talk an American again. But Ms Betsy Teo said I sound well in it. And I pronounce my 'POPULARITY' as 'POPULARIDY' again. HAHA! I don't know why, but I feel I must talk that way in oral. I don't sound good in my normal accent. It isn't fluent and it has a strong Singaporean accent. I like how Americans talk. It sounds so classy!
Currently listening to 'Nothing In This World' by Paris Hilton. Love the song! I have listened to this song 100++ times this week.
Shall be meeting JiaHui's oral group for dinner later. Shall take a shower now. Oh and by the way, I wanna thank Bella, YanLing, Cherie, Jane, Kim, Pearl, Olivia, Ms Ng, JiaJia, LimXun, Ernest, YiHao, Aaron, Eunice, Jonathan and everyone else for being so caring and concerned about me this week. LOVE YOU GUYS!