Sunday, June 29, 2008
1:27 AM
It's the first weekend of the term. Weekends bring you joy as well as the Monday blues. Monday blues are a pain the arse. Together with Chem verbal tests and the dreaded after school CME, it sure can turn your mood upside down. I think I'll be more sad about going back to school after a relaxing weekend than when my dog dies, if I had a dog.
Oh yes, I finally have my set of keys! Weird I know, but I can finally put my Jack Skellington thingamajig to good use!
I am done with Chem TYS and E.Maths Revision Booklet. Now I'm left with Organic Chem Mindmap. Yup, saving the best for the last. I am taking a break now, after an hour of Maths, and also waiting for my artsy-fartsy side to surface. To be frank, I feel that mindmaps don't really help. I prefer everything to be in point form, organised and easy to memorize. I don't know how people manage to study mindmaps. Arrows and boxes all over the place. I just like the decorating part. But judging from the mindmap Mr. Tien gave us, I think studying Organic Chem from a mindmap is actually...erm...absorb-able?
Off to finish the mindmap now! Starting the mugging tomorrow! Bye!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
5:22 AM
School has started. Engines have started. Yet I still don't see the importance of the 'O's. Can anyone give me a better reason rather than the 'It will decide your fate, your future, your life' bullshit. Is a good future all about studies? Take celebs for example. Not all of 'em excel in their studies, but they manage to rise to gallons of fame and fortune. I can see the people around me waking up, coming down to Earth, but I still don't know. Something tells me that even if I did put in my best effort, I will not succeed, I will not walk the right path.
It's almost the end of the first week of school, and I feel more tired than running MOLE km. My brain cells are being massacred by stress, and the corpse are settling below my eyes. Yup, my eye bags doubled in size ever since the first day of school.
Well, gonna mug for Chem now. Speaking of which, there is gonna be Chem on Saturday too. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am scared of Electrolysis. The word looks scary. Oh well, life's a drag. Off to finish my Chem homework now. Bye.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
7:35 AM
Ya so school starts tomorrow. This is what I feel:
Seriously, what good does education do us, cept getting into a good JC? I mean, if some guy didn't came up with education, isn't life a lot more easier? Take Geography for example. When we grow up and have boring office jobs, or even become a president, do you think we care about which plates are moving? Or even care about the Proboscis Monkeys in Kalimantan? Ya, sure, like we have time to actually start a 'SAVE THE PROBOSCIS MONKEYS' Campaign. And don't get me started with History. Why do we still care about what Hitler did when he's been burning in hell for decades? Or what Truman Doctrine shit? Please, let go of the past, instead bringing it up again and again to make it harder to score an A1. I can't complain about Maths and Science though, cos they can actually help in the future, cept for some stuff.
Ok, enough about lame shit education. Has anyone watched DOA: Dead Or Alive? I think it's quite nice, cept for those unnecessary bikini and jacuzzi scenes. The fighting scenes look quite real. Cept for the short storyline, I think the movie is quite well-directed. I liked the fight between Princess Kasumi and Leon, where they fought in the hotel corridor. And the hilarious part is when Leon crashes into Christie's room when she and Max were in bed. The movie had a good blend of action and comedy I think. Three and a half stars for me!
I am currently mugging Chemistry. I just dread verbal tests, though they are for my own good. I am a slow thinker. My brain can't process information that fast. SO, ya... I am gonna study now.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1:41 AM
Heyya! This is the second time I'm blogging in the afternoon.
I woke up today at like 12.30pm today. Ugh so guilty about it. I like it when I wake up really early in the morning, so that I can do a lot more things and the day seem to be longer, cept for school days. I finally finished all my comprehensions. YAY! Something to be proud of. Now I'm left with Maths. I'm really tired though, and having a migraine. I guess I'll start at night, and read the new Kingdom Hearts 2 manga I just got my parents to buy me.
On Monday, I went to the Oral Examination. I thought it was okay. My question was about weather and the environment. It was quite easy to talk about, though I thought I would get like a much better grade if I got the question from the 2nd Batch: FOOD! What kind of stupid question is "What is your favourite food?"?!?! I got High Band 2s for all segments, like LX, and she said if I practiced more I could easily get Band 1s. I felt really sad, cos all of people I know got Band 1s for all segments. Should have gotten more brilliance from them before. Hehe. I thought it was kinda weird for me to read the passage aloud when we were given the 10 minutes to study the picture and passage, in front of LianZhi. I looked some lunatic speaking to himself, though YiHao looked more stupid, emphasizing every single word. Lols. I still remembered the last JiaJia and I told him to read the passage in the library. It was so funny. I wondered what grade he got. Hopefully he would get worse than me, or else my grades will look very xiasuay. Lols.
I am thinking of changing my blog name, and skin. MapleStory has degraded the word 'crusader', thus my blog name sounds cheesy. Hmmm, I am really bored now. Guess I'll play my PS2 for a while before doing Maths.
TTFN! *}
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
2:31 AM
Okay this is the first time I'm blogging in the afternoon, and it is very weird. Anyway, guess I post what I can remember now. I usually have all my thoughts and opinions ready at night, but I guess I will use the night to do some Maths.
So I'm also almost done with my English, just one summary! Whoots! It has been such a fast holiday and it seemed I didn't really had fun this holiday. I really don't know why humans have to come up with these stupid 'O' Levels for us which puts us in this do-well-or-meet-your-demise kind of situation. Till now, I still don't know why I am even studying in school. Its not like I wanna be a Chemist, Biologist, Geologist, or even a boring Historian. My goal: H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D! No, our school doesn't teach us Drama or anything, and although there is ELDDS, I'm not gonna go through those gay lessons. Anyway, all the stuff taught in school are all gonna be like in this dark unnoticeable corner in my brain 10 years from now. I'll go "Oesophagus who? Is that a president?" I will be in Paris, seeping coffee with gigantic sunglasses, to keep out of sight of my adoring fans! Hehe, just kidding. First on my list of countries I wanna visit would have to be Japan! So cool! Speaking of Japan, I am gonna learn Japanese after the 'O's! Yippee! Then I'll be able to understand what anime characters are talking about, instead of constantly staring at the subtitles.
Anyway, I wanna talk about this dream I had last night. I was with a bunch of 4E peeps (Sorry, the only one I remembered was Olivia, I think.), and we were at this dark place and we were standing in a straight row. Then there was this girl with long hair beside us who said she was gonna let us feel the pain of death. Then she threw a bucket of blood (I think.) at us one at a time. The first few were squirming and screaming as the blood started melting their bodies. (Acid blood?) Then it was finally my turn, Olivia(?) told me to relax cos it was not gonna hurt. Then she splashed me and I fell on the floor and closed my eyes. Amazingly, I could actually feel the pain, literally. I was only afraid that my organs would melt, and hurt badly, but fortunately, I woke up. LOLS! The retarded thing is that all of us were too stupid to actually run. Lol.
Oh and not to forget, my new favourite villain! NERO!

Isn't he the coolest, most awesome-est! His name is Nero, The Sable, or Nero, The Jet-Black Darkness. Well, the reason why he is in a strait-jacket is so that his powers can be controlled. Isn't it cool to have a dark aura surrounding you, 24/7 ?!?!?! If you actually know some FF7 stuff, then you would understad what I'll be saying next. While in his mother's womb, as a fetus, he was injected with Genova's cells, and thus given his powers. When he was born, his mother died by being sucked into darkness. He has a brother, Weiss, who I think sucks cos he looks like a washed-out CAPCOM Street Fighter who has Goku's hair, and also someone who I totally owned. Anyway, he is SECOND in command of the Tsviets(Sound like some USSR organization right?), after his irksome brother, and they are in search of Vincent Valentine for his inner beast, Chaos. Though he died in the end, his soul fused with his brother's. He is just so cool! Oh and nice frinch! Lol.
Well, gonna do my summary now. Au revoir! *}
Thursday, June 12, 2008
5:36 AM
Tagged by WenXin and MuiHwee to do this quiz. Fun to answer, troublesome to type out.
1. if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Be really disappointed and go nut, literally. My state of mind is too unstable to take any emotional damage. :x
2. if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
!. There would be world peace so I don't need to waste 2 miserable years in NS.
2. Everyday is a holiday and schooling a is serious offense.
3. Everyday 4E will have class outings.
4. I have a plastic surgeon for a friend so I can get free liposuction to look nice.
5. I am anywhere close to the almost perfect guys in class.
6. I master the art of throwing knives. Assassination is fun!
7. Enma Ai is real in life.
8. I am a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very rich guy. ( Seoul Garden would be like hawker food to me! *}
9. I have telekinesis so life would be way more convenient.
10. Singapore has winter!
11. Singapore celebrates Halloween!
12. Lastly, all my friends and family members to die after me. (it is too sad to see your loved ones pass on)
3. what will your dream wedding be like?
I won't have one. ;|
4. are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Nope. My future is bleak.
5. what is your ideal lover like?
Likes me for who I am, and feel that we are equal.
6. what is more blessed, loving someone or loved by someone?
Loving someone is nice but is hurtful at times. Being loved by someone is nice but depends who she is. :x So I think both are okay, cos both have pros and cons.
7. how long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
As long as it takes, or when my feelings for her fades.
8. if the person you secretly like is attached, what would you do?
Hope that her boyfriend cheats on her so they can break up. *Evil laughter :x
9. is there anything tt has made you unhappy these days?
Practically everything.
10. is being tagged fun?
Yeah, cos it means people actually bother to go to your blog and tag some more. I feel honored.
11. how do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Decaying in the burning pits of hell./ A famous multi-millionaire celebrity who owns a mansion in Hollywood! :)
12. who are currently the most important ppl to you?
Friends, Family, Awesome game characters who i admire.
13. what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Nice, friendly, amiable?
14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
Rich and single. Duhx. :]
15. what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Tell my mum I'm awake and goes back to sleep.
16. would you give all in a relationship?
17. if you fall in love with 2 person simultaneously, who would you pick?
I am not a 'hua xin' kind of person! So will not happen. :]
18. what type of friends do you like?
1. Likes me for who I am.
2. Will not try to harm me in anyway.
3. Will try their best to help me overcome my troubles.
4. Make me laugh.
5. Have mutual understanding.
19. what type of friends do you dislike?
I won't call them friends in the first place lols. I will call them enemies.
1. People who act cool.
2. Arrogant skanks.
3. People who offend me cos they know I can't do anything to stop them.
4. 'Pot calling the kettle black' kin of people?
5. Attention seekers.
6. Loud in a bad way kind of people.
7. Stingy people.
8. People who feel that they are 'bigger' than me.
instructions: tag 8 ppl to do this and the person who have been tag must write their answers on their blogs and cannot tag the person who tagged them. state the person who tagged you and cannot refuse tag. get the game going.
Olivia, Eunice, Daryl, Jolin, Sherina, MengXuan, Yanling, JiaHui
Sunday, June 8, 2008
8:54 AM
Hello people!
I'm so proud of myself. I finally finished my CHEMISTRY HOMEWORK! Whoots! It took quite a long time cos I did it twice. The first one looked really ugly and I forgot to leave the correct number of lines, in case it would get rejected by Mr. Tien like Betsy. Just started my English homework, and the 'Mao' comprehension is really hard. I like English, but sometimes not being able to comprehend the passages is just infuriating, and don't let me get started with oral. I simply hate the picture discussion and the convo part, cos I would just stone there and forget everything when I look at the invigilators. And looking at the invigilators is a must, for respect. Ugh! I'll just act cute in front of 'em, like "A very good afternoon Mr/Mrs XXXX" or "Thank you for Mr/Mrs XXXX, have a wonderful day!". Lols. I am looking forward to the oral just because I can put my newly-bought jacket to good use, to keep me warm. Oh yes, the jacket that almost cost me my sanity is finally in stores again! Since some guy from 4H got the gray and white one, I decided to buy the yellow and black one. It is true. If you want something that badly, it will open its door to you. Maybe I am not wanting good grades that badly enough. I'll try.
I will be looking forward to more Cafe Cartelling with Olivia and gang, more shopping for clothes( esp. pants, cos i bought so much tops I have very little pants to wear.), class outings, and a lot fofother things. They keep me looking forward.

Anyway, I finished watching Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori on VeohTV. It was sad, but there was a trace of happiness. In the end, Ai was assumed to have gone to heaven, and her parents were no longer trapped in hell. However, there was a new replacement, but is unknown. Her three helpers, Ichimoku Ren, Hone-Onna, and Wanyouddou, went their separate ways. All of them came from horrible pasts, lost in their own hell, but Ai ask them to join her, helping her exact revenge on wrong doers, though some may seem too unreasonable. It was hard for Ai, to ferry people to hell, even though some of them did not do anything wrong, and at the same time holding back her mortal sympathy, for 400 hundred years.
I wonder if they have merchandise, cos I so wanna get hold of one of those straw dolls. And Ichimoku Ren is easy to cosplay, but the thing is that his good looks are most vital to make it a success. Hone-Onna is okay, but if you cosplay her you might get caught by the police on your way home. Wanyouddou is easy too, but it would make you look 60 years older.
They even have a live action series, which I find is a far cry from the anime. The actress for Ai is just ugly. The actor for Ichimoku Ren is just erm, not up to standards, and not to mention not cool! The actress for Hone-Onna is just old! God! The Hone-Onna in the anime is like 20++ and get some old grandma to star as her( ok maybe not grandma but sorta mother-ish? ). And the actor for Wanyouddou is just too short! Goodness! Give the demon some face would'ya? You get horizontally unchallenged umpur lumpur to star as him! How provoking. Enough of my crap. Just compare and contrast.

Well, gonna go sleep now. This blog is so dead again.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
5:48 AM
Heyya people! I feel a lot better now.
It the second week of the holidays, and I haven started studying! Omg. Homework everyday, and still piling up. I feel so tired everyday after remedial. Honestly, I am not cut out for EDUCATION. Every single drop of knowledge just sucks the life out of me. I can hear my brain cells shouting ''NO MORE NO MORE!'' Anyway, my plans have been ruined quite badly. My plans to study Biology, Chemistry and Geography have recently been eaten up by homework time. So, ya... sad. Trying to keep up with my plans but just can't.
Anyway, my brother have just finished playing Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus. So NICE! Vincent Valentine is so cool! And he is uber cool in his Chaos form, where Chaos takes over his body. I just love Final Fantasy! Oh ya, my brother and I also finished playing Final Fantasy 12( More of him; I only played the Final Boss). The game was okay, cept that the storyline was too short, but in great detail. It was easier to understand the Cold War.
So many people's birthdays are in this month, and it is making me very jealous. I am already making plans for my birthday, well I don't need to really. They just pop into my head when I'm in the showers. I'll probably be celebrating with both my classmates and my squadmates.
Please select the following choices:
For classmates,
1. Classic Cafe-Cartel-lunch-and-slack/movie/bowling outing
2. Seoul garden lunch and then slack/movie/bowling
3. Sakae Sushi Buffet and then slack/movie/bowling
(It's okay if you all don't want. Just tell me your comments)
For squadmates,
1. Movie
2. Bowling
3. Shopping
4. Ramen Ten??
5. Pizza Hut
(Pick at least 3 lols. Tell me if you all have something else in mind)
I know my birthday is like 5 months away but I'm just trying to tell all of you to KEEP THAT DAY FREE! Seriously, keep it free. Change your dental appointment, change your medical appointment. And if there are other birthday celebrations, tell them to FUCK OFF! Okay I'm joking. I just wanna keep that day a HAPPY day.
Oh yes, I am gonna get my masks tomorrow! Yippee! No more blemishes, pimples, and gargantuan pores! When it comes to acne, the 'O' Levels just sucks to the core.
Gonna change my skin soon, though I can't part with this one. Its so nice. It is happy in a dark way.
I hear your voice.
It entices me.
I know.
It is what I should do.
Something is holding me back.
I don't know what.
It is strong.
Help me rid of this force.
It pains me, this place.
Save me.