Saturday, October 27, 2007
9:08 AM
A long time since I posted. Just came back from Bolt Camp Campfire, which was way worse than ours last year. Seriously, it is friggin pathetic. We Sec 3s were highing so much it seemed like OUR campfire. And it was demoralising too. Just now, on my way to compass, Siti called me. Seeing that it is a miracle that she is calling me, I answered. It turned out that I had to buy metal wires for the campfire. I called again to asked for more info since there are so many types, and the info I got was that it is used for campfire and to buy the types that were not too soft and not too hard. -.- After reaching compass, I ruched to the D.I.Y store to buy it. Rushed to school to give them, since they need it asap. Then rushed to compass to meet up with MuiHwee and Liqi. Then they called again to ask us to buy kerosene oil. *F5 face* And all this while, my mum has been driving me to and fro, so I should demand for petrol fees. Xp
Then met up with them, and since we had to rush back again to give them the kerosene oil, we take away instead. I bought the cheesy bbq meltz ala carte and a large java chip frap and rushed to school. When we reached the side gate, which was closed, I slided in the kerosene oil to Siti and gave her a sip of java chip heaven after a day of pure torture from our juniors. Then walked to front gate. When the Bolt Camp Instructors saw us holding our Starbucks Coffee, they run to us for a sip like they haven't eaten for days. We then settled down to have our not-supposed-to-be-taken-away dinner in the canteen. Then Siti told us to eat in hiding so we had to eat at the benches beside the side gate outside the library. It is friggin not fair! We have the right to eat where we want, and we wouldn't have eaten in school if it weren't for the stupid kerosene oil! And we even brought a Hawaiian pizza for the instructors! Then Sir Chee Eng even told us to go away and leave them alone to do their stuff! Then we were feeling down, feeling unwelcomed and disappointed. We went o canteen to sit after eating and then Serene they all came to comfort us. Zhen Hui and gang and Victor came a while later. AND VICTOR WAS WEARING HOME CLOTHES AND INSTRUCTIONS WERE TO WEAR A SHIRT WITH THE CREST! CAN HE EVEN LISTEN TO STUPID INSTRUCTIONS?! I JUST CANNOT STAND HIM UGH!!!!!! #%$*%(&%%@#@!!!! WHAT MORE I'M UNDER HIM, AND HE'S JUST A FRIGGIN PUNY CORPORAL!!!! So he went home to change. Too bad he had to come back. He was seriously left out. Who cares! Then we went to the toilet and Siti thought we were leaving so she cried. We came back and then Sir Zhiyu told us to have a performance. WTF?! Visitors required to perform?! Its no different from telling a guest-of-honour to perform. So we had the campfire blah blah blah. It was lame and pathetic. No creativity and no enthusiasm from the Sec 2s at all. Then had a briefing from Mr. Tien. We have to have at least 22 people attend the Land Division Unit on 11th November to get a gold unit. Then went to compass again to have an official dinner at Mac's and went home. And FYI, there are no guys in the Bolt Camp Instructor AT ALL, only gals and gays. Go figure who they are. A hint is that they give each other blow jobs. So this year there will not be any BEST MALE INSTRUCTOR AWARD, only BEST HOMO INSTRUCTOR AWARD.
Now to talk about something else. JEWEL HAS GONE CRACK!!!She went crazy yesterday. She suddenly thinks she is a chinese teacher and that Jon and gang are her students. And also that LX is her boyfriend that cheated on her for 3 years! ROFLOL!!! And for those who did not know, her bra stripe dropped and Jane and some other people who see. Jeanette told her to go to the toilet. And during SPA Chemistry, she got shouted at by Mr. Tien again. Then Ellin had to help her. When she passed up her report, she wrote 23.5UNITS when Ellin told to write down the units, which was supposed to be cubic centimetres. And she called me greedy when I said I was hungry. WTF?! And when we left the lab, a funny thing happened. There was a blockage at the corridor to the Sec 2 classes with a sign 'SILENCE- EXAMINATION IN PROGRESS' and she walked towards it, and Pearl, MJ and I were staring at her. She then looked at the sign, then looked back at us and thought for a while, and hen she gave an 'Oh I see' look and we ran up the stairs to laugh our guts out. LOL!Got our positions. Class position: 11/39Level Position: 95/241Did not reach my goal like Pearl did. Could do better. Then only 6 gals mprove and 12 boys improve. LETS STRIVE TOGETHER 3E, OK? And one thing to be happy about, I have reached my second job in MAPLESTORY. *audience applaudes loudly* Currently I'm in the guild xLegacy, and I do not regret it one bit. There are nice people all around. and now I'm an Ice and Lightning Wizard. YAY for me!And ANNOUNCEMENT EARTHLINGS! My birthday is coming up. Shower me with presents!Ok I'm just joking. TTFN! Have a good holiday. We've earned it!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
9:20 AM
Had NPCC parade yesterday. It was a bloody waste of time. We fell in then there was a total of 5 people who did not bring their full uniform. So all of us had to do 100 pumping, ugh. Then Koon Heng came and we had to do 20 more, after doing 20 already. It is so stupid. I just don't get why do we have to wear full uniform every parade? We are just bloody doing drills, which is just more difficult with our long pants and stupid polyester uniforms. IT IS FRIGGIN POINTLESS! Ok continuing, we went to class 3C for lecture. It was a 'lecture', I think. Mdm Ying Fang was giving us hints for our test. And it lasted for 15 minutes? Then went down to canteen for like a 30 secong break then fall in for revision. It was a serious waste of time. There are only 10 people taking the test, 8 for SSGT, and 2 for SGT. Then shouldn't it be the ones being tested practise only?
We, the losers, are just being a unnecessary burden to them. And the thing is that all those taking SSGT test are all those who passed the IPC for Bolt Camp. I went but failed. I seriously sucked then, with wrong commands and lousy leadership. And instead of motivating Beatrice and I(we were a team), the CIs were giggling away. It seems that they failed their Motivation Test. Where have all the kind-hearted CIs all go? All to NS apparently. And the most annoying and kaopeh one of all has been chased away by us. Now they is only left with mean CIs who don't give a damn about our feelings. When they were our NCOs, they had fun with us. Now, they are a bunch of snobs who like to pick on us like how their CIs pick on them. I am wondering what kind of brainwashing do they induce on our once fun-loving NCOs. Anyway, everyone was ina squad and we gave our own timing. We were just playing cos we were not focused and we threw our faces in front of our juniors. Then Serene, Beatrice and I went to the CIs and requested to end the revision. And they did, surprisingly. So the rest went for the test and we were about be given something to do when Mr Tien came and saved us from the devastating forces of boredom. then we chatted with him. Then we went to the canteen and slacked while the others had the test. Then Mr Tien said I screwed up Paper 2 of my Chem papers and ended up getting only an A2.
I felt ok at first, then I felt sad that I'm so behind the class. Anyway, Mr Tien whacked ma' ass with a baton. Then we went over to talk to Oli and MJ. Then chatted with Beatrice about stuff and WE HAVE A PARADE ON WEDNESDAY. That is seriously fucked up. Then had to cancel plans with the gang about the movie thingy on wednesday. Then Mr Tien suddenly shouted my name. I went over and he said I said that he lied about the class outing. I FUCKING DID NOT OK! I don't how Oli and MJ got that idea but I was pissed about it. I hate being wronged.
After that, we were did 50 push ups before we were dismissed and it was so tiring I could bearly move my arms. Then went to cp with Beatrice and Liqi and Serene and had a regular whipped potato with them, before going off to have a dinner with family.
Oya, There was no PE yesterday and I was the only who hates soccer. And scored badly for all subjects that I have gotten back.
A Maths P1: 67/80
A Maths P2: 50/80
E Maths P1: 59/80
E maths P2: 68/100
Chinese P1: 46/ 70
Chinese P2: 20/70 (!!!...2nd lowest in class)
English P2: 25/50
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
8:37 AM
EOYS ARE HISTORY!FREEDOM AT LAST!Had Biology papers today. A 30% chance of failing. Paper 1 and 2 section B was okay, but paper 2 section C is a confirmed zero. Did it in like exactly 15 minutes. okay drop the subject. After the exam went back to class for the class discussion. Thought it would be about the next class outing. Turned out to be about work again. Science project and maths and science week blah blah balh... the thing that turned me down was that Mr Tien said we would rest for a WEEK and start full swing with SPA the week after. Give me, correction, us a break will ya! So much for slacking for a TERM! Will only be officially free after the last week of November! That is like...spending my birthday in school?! ok fine its normal for some of you, but i always spent my birthday in the holidays.*emofication in process* It totally sucks! Stupid extended program!
I really hope I can do well in my EOYs, unlike last year. Ok so after the discussion Mum fetched me to the coffee shop near my house for lunch. After lunch went home. It was the moment I was waiting for for weeks, but it turned out to be a disappointment. I was really excited to play Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ with my PS2. I wasn't sure whether it was English or Japanese, but I thought it was in English after hearing it has been imported to Europe. It was English alright...................................................................WITH JAPANESE SUBS AND WORDS AND COMMANDS AND NO ENGLISH WORDS AT ALL! Heart shattered into a mole of pieces. I thought playing the original English version would make me feel better... but it made me feel worse. So played Shaman King...still not ok. So ended up playing Final Fantasy 12. After that went to aunt's house for dinner, then went Haato at Serangoon Garden for some ice cream... hoping it was give me enough endorphins to feel better. Did not. The ice cream tasted like nothing...just ate it and got it over with. Then came home and continued playing FF12. Then here I am now. No mood to do anything now except blog about it to vent my anger.
A DAY THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FILLED WITH FREEDOM AND JOY TURNED OUT TO BE A DAY FILLED WITH GRIEF AND SORROW...SOME CONSOLING AND COMFORT CAN HELP.Now that my post exam activites has been interrupted. I have only the Vietnam trip to look forward to. But I'm still afraid I may have to room with Mr SEE, y'all should know what I'm talking about. Oh yes, I have NPCC on Friday. Ok I'm officially emo now. Shall end here saying, 'Life is so unpredictable, and often unfair.' Grrrr.