Thursday, September 20, 2007
7:54 AM
Hatred has made everyone seen the worst of me. Therefore, I shall try as hard as possible not to let hate control me, or overwhelm me. So, I have censored that picture of me pointing my middle finger at lianzhi. Anyway, this week has been a rise of the waterbabies, crystal jellies that increase in size when soaked in water. It's sorta like a fad, same as the straw stars and hearts last year. But, waterbabies are so much more convenient and colourful, as you just keep it in a bottle.
Also, I have started watching D. Grayman, and indeed it is a great anime.

And I am considering which costume to buy, after I slim down I guess. I'll probably tear the costume if I buy now, which would be a waste. Comments anyone?


And not forgetting to thank Cherie for Monday.
Thanks Cherie for treating me to:
Pearl Milk Tea
and accompanying me to Yoshi
And Kim said some thing said something that puzzled me a little. She asked me whether she could not care for my feelings for 5 minutes. I was quite stunned, cos no one ever seemed to care for my feelings before. Loneliness is what I feel everywhere, and it's not only when I'm having my food at recess.
And I'm wondering, does HAPPY suit me?

And here's the MadTV for Tickle Me Emo.
And 'PowerSlut Girls'.
And not forgetting THERMITE REACTION!
This will be the last post, until the EOY is over. Good Luck everyone!
Monday, September 17, 2007
8:15 AM
Ever since I given up the hopes and dreams of being an artist, an artiste, and an architect, I found that I'm just merely going to school and just focusing on work, uncertain of what would lie ahead of me. Society and education is giving me this temporary path to follow, which will eventually end once I'm on my own to decide on my future. I always thought that my career would come to me if I want it enough. Apparently I was wrong.
So, here's my ambition, from most wanted to wanted:
1. Gastronomist/ Gourmet (whatever they are called; Gastronomy-science of good eating)
2. Host for FRONT, the essential guide to the arts
3. Psychiatrist (however, some people say it is impossible, cos I need one! ROAR!!!)
Anyway, here's the group photo for the beach cleaning.
Ok I just realized some gay activity above me, MuiHwee and Vanessa. UGH! Disgusting!
Anyway, I took another photo. I don't need to take about this one.

Ok ignore Ian in the picture.
And oh yes, I got a MEDAL for helping Mr. Tien with the filing today. Very contented. And I found out that YiHao, the Chem God, has used up his swords and some medals, all for being tardy for school. Kinda wasted don'tcha think?
I guess there's nothing else to say I guess. Peace out.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
7:30 AM
(for helping me paste)
(for using up the glue so that I can buy another one of a better quality)
(for helping me write the jian bao reflection)
Shall talk about yesterday first.
14 Sept '07
Had Da Chang Jin quiz. The friggin Lu-Ah was crapping when we did the test, so I shhhed him whenever he opened his mouth. Cheryl got 2 points deducted for doing something which I did not know why would be counted as cheating. Most of the guys, including me, had points deducted for handing in the quiz up late by a few seconds. He then started kaopehing for that reason and Jon shouted CHAO CHEE BYE to him. He silenced.
After school, Tien came in to get the form from WeiTing. She forgot again. Tien went berserk and roared at her. I think WeiTing should be shouted at, since Tien actually gave her one more day to sign the form. Rapid mood swing after that and Tien started talking really nicely to Jon. Then missed Ellin's cake fight doing jian bao.
Went beach cleaning at Pasir Ris Park after that with the whole NPCC unit. Scared Beatrice with the video on the bus. It was drizzling, so we went to pick up litter in the park instead. It was really clean actually. In fact, the only trash i picked up were a bottle, a styrofoam container, n some cigarette buds. Then we went to beach after the rain and I totally never picked up anything. Then after that we took a group photo. Waited for the bus. Scared MuiHwee with the video also. Then reached school. Went cp. Bought onigiri. Gossiped at Lu-ah again. Went home. Ate at coffee shop, went home, bathed, then started doing the rest of jian bao til 3am.
15 Sept '07
Had NPCC Service Day. Went to Block304B. Got stuck in the lift with my group and Stefani's. Then got unstuck when the lift automatically went back down to the first floor. Used the other lift. It was a block of uninterested people, cept for one. Funny conversation.
Junior: *Talks about crime prevention(CP) crap*, then pauses.
Lady: Continue.
Junior: *Talks about CP crap again, then discusses with us.
Lady: Continue.
Junior: Here's a CP booklet for you to look through.
Lady: Conclusion? What? No conclusion? What do you wish to conclude?
Me: We should prevent crime as best as possible.
Lady: I'll pray hard.
Me: Ok. God bless you. Bye bye.
Then after going throught half of the block, we went back to school. Then after everyone left, I did my jian bao. The rest helped me. Thx.
Then went at cp then went home to bathe. Then went home to bathe then went Hougang Mall. Went Kim's house. Here's the equation Oli:
more less boring
(+) (-) (-)
So, (+) x (-) = (-)
ie, more less= lesser
Resulting in lesser boring
ie, (-) x (-) = (+)
Final result = more interesting--->(+)
Then I never do the project AT ALL lorx, even when I got do a little. Then I won the argument which made someone angry lorx. Now I'm doing more stuff so it would be counted as doing at least something.
Went home after that. Had dinner. Here I am. This is me signing off with a
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
2:42 AM
I found this video about Igor on Youtube, while trying to find how he/she fell down while hugging his beloved electrical stick. TAKE THAT DWARF!
Monday, September 3, 2007
11:44 PM
Hey everyone! This blog is revived from the jaws of rot and decay. If you can't go to the ay's blog, that is cos shim relinked, and I have relinked shim too. amazingly, shim has chosen jesus over cats, but you can still see a little essence of cattiness in shis blog.
Anyway, I know y'all are getting sick and bored of the skin I'm having, so I'll changed asap. Many things happened during this so-called blogging hiatus, especially the common test. Didn't do quite well.
Chinese(whatever Lu-Ah!)-54.4/100
Chemistry(like shit)-58.8/100
History(could have done better)-74.8/100
In the end, I only managed a 10th place in the class, after lian zhi(ugh!). Shall work harder. Ask I'm posting, I am actually studying for Bio. Can you believe that?! I feel so proud of myself. I never ever studied before in the holidays my whole life. Whoots! Ugh, I still have to go for the stupid chinese lesson for notfinishing my compos. Come on! It's just 4! Do you thnk I friggin care?
Also celebrated teacher's day last friday, 31st August. Had 3E AFTERPARTY after that. We invited all our teachers over. Too bad Rihanna couldn't sing or dance for us. Ordered pizza and alot alot of food. After that we chatted with Mr. Tien and then went home.
Oh yes! I wish to announce that I started Mapling last week! Went to plaza to reset my PIN number, after 2 friggin years! I'm level 20 now and I just started last week. New record for me! And I'm willing to buy SAP OF THE ANCIENT TREE from anyone! Or if someone thinks they have too much money please give me some! I'm despo for mesos! And please do not buy A-cash cards for my birthday. If you are as rich as Cheryl and her uncle, Donald Trump, you can give lke 100 cards to me every HOUR.
I'm also going Vietnam this December. I"m so elated about it! I'll probably stick with Olivia thru out the trip. I'm lucky the gay didn't go, or I'll get raped at night when I bunk with shim, since I'm the only sec. 3 guy going, as usual.
I also had SPA a few weeks ago. Made copper(II) Sulphate crystals. Here's my attempt of making them, on account of the first one exploded in front of my face and the solution practically went into my hair. 
And on a particular Saturday I went to Kovan with Serene and Siti and I managed to track that hell of a gay, not Josen, but my brother's friend, who is obviously obesed.

And pleas! I do not discriminate gays and homosexuals, or else I would have something against EwwNiNi the dwarf already.
I guess this is all I gotta post for now. Remember to listen Rihanna's Shut Up and Drive and Umbrella. LOL. =^p