Saturday, July 21, 2007
9:19 AM
Today was Leisure Camp 2007. The day started with a stomachache and I went to school at 6.15am. School was still closed. Then went to 7-eleven and bought Starbucks coffee. Then went back to school and the security uncle told me to go to the side gate. My parents dropped me off at the bus stop and I saw the faggart yongkiong walking to the school. This may be lame, but, I'M THE ONE WHO CAME FIRST OK! I WAITED FOR HALF AN HOUR AND JUST STOP LYING TO YOURSELF THAT YOU DID THE MOST WORK OK! Ok now I'm chilled. I drank my coffee while waiting for the rest to arrive. Then he started talking to me I felt quite pissed cos he just too oblivious to see that people are angry at him! I'll list what he did a few days before.
19 July, Thursday
We stayed back with Siti and Vanessa to do the rest of the proposal. I was late cos I had lessons. Then I went down to canteen to have lunch. Then we went up to find Mr Tien about some stuff. I told yongkiong to help call any teacher officers as Mr. Tien was not around. He then had a mood swing like a pregnant woman and started scolding me. He said that I only knew how to BOSS PEOPLE AROUND and he had a quarrel with his mum cos of leisure camp. For god's sake! That doesn't even compare to what I have been through! I had quarrels with my mum every night cos of the proposal and slept for less than 3 hours everyday that week! And what, you sleep at fucking 9pm and latest 10.30pm?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I was trying to stop my outburst of anger and rage and I was successful in doing so. So I called myself instead. Then we met up with Siti an Vanessa at the nc superstar auditions. Yong Kiong was again bragging about how much he had been through for this leisure camp cos he argued with his SWEET LITTLE MUMMY! Awwww, isn't it sad to make your mother? Why don't we help you make some muffins for your mummy so that she is happy again? HUHX?! Si be guai lan. Oh! I quarreled with my mother! I been through so much after a short time of exchanging harsh words. Please, if yo are so obedient why don't you just roast yourself and feed yourself to your mother?!. Then he waited for us at the canteen, emo-ing. I was like, erps, he is being EMO, more like PATHETIC! Then I bought chocolate milk and got a stomachache cos of that. So I went to the staff toilet. Apparently, the vice-principal was inside and had to wait for him to came out. Thus, they waited for a long time. When I joined them, Siti and yongkiong were dulan. We were saying how I didnt even help in the committee at all and stuff. The anger is still bottled inside me so don't blame me if I throw yongkiong into the reservoir on Friday's cross-country. Sad lahx he is going. Then I finall manage to call Mr. Tien and got the key to the np room. Then I went to take the key and yongkiong was arguing why I didnt needed to go help take the logistics. Then we settled this thing and just in time ZhenHui and Serene came back from the dog thingy. They were nice, unlike some guy. Then I did the rest of the stuff with Serene and ZhenHui whil yongkiong totally doesn't know I was gonna stab him with a vegetable knife. Then we went home blah blah blah.
20 July, Friday
No parade. I went down to the canteen after school and found Siti and LiQi. Then yongkiong called me and I had the most irritating conversation ever. And he was apologising about not being able to make it cos he was at home for what shit reason. Then he was 99.99% deaf and he heard me say 'tuition coodinator' when I said 'camp coodinator'. Ok drop the subject. My blood is boiling so hard it is cooking my blood vessels.
Continuing, people started coming and then Mdm ShuTing finally came to give us instructions. I was suffering alot cos of my stomachache again but I endured in case people start kaopehing me again. Then I went to do the mindsweeper thingy and it was no easy task. The grass was a menace in the process of making the squares. Then we officially started the camp with Serene doing all the shouting. Thanks! Then after that that we proceded with our games and the juniors were so unenthu and like we had to zi high for them.
Me drawing the minesweeper thingy all over again cos raining.

Brian and Joelyn teaching Civil Liberty juniors cheer.

Juniors. At least some were enthu.

Unity Survivors and X-Eitez competing for FINDING YOUR WAY.

Pathetic junior. That sluttish sec 1 girl at the back was getting on my nerves.
The most angry part is that yongkiong was subbing GuoWei as group IC and all he did was stood at the back and didnt even do anything to help Serene, and had the guts to ask if he could play the games.
Then after that was lunch. Kenny and I had to take out all the stoves and mess tins and solid fuel, which was really dirty. Mdm ShuTing lied to us that we had packet lunch, when all we had was instant noodles. I was really feeling demoralized.
Then it was polar bear but I helped out with the game, Ai Shang NCHS. 
Polar Bear. I still not quite sure how to play the game. LOL.

Poor Serene left alone to be the narrator.
MuiHwee, here's your part. Yongkiong was really FUCKED up lahx. He was using too less blue tack to stick the tokens and I know we should save up but he used only blue tack in the size of this a green bean and it was definitely not enough. So guai lan lahx. Then he wanted to paste the tokens in a row. That is just damn fucking ridiculous lahx. Then we had a loud disagreement and we changed the position of the tokens. But after we left, he went to change back the position again.
Then MuiHwee was like gonna cry liao lahx. Then I was like preparing to commit suicide ler lorx. I feel that no one should ever face working with him ever again. To all NPCC Squad 3 members, please reconsider working with yongkiong in the future! Then after that Mdm ShuTing called for me to keep the mess tins and whatever cooking stuff, and after that were a few games then water parade.

Stupid YongKiong. Should have spent more time shooting him.

Sir Chee Eng totally drenched.
After the water parade. Fall in. So sianx. not enough tme to satisfy my lust of shooting the enemies.
Water parade was called 'Protect Your Commander'. Everyone was aiming at Sir CheeEng and it was damn fun lahx. But you all should know who my target is, SHIM!!! I was aiming at shim like hell and shooting shim lahx. Then when shim was refilling shis water pistol, I was shooting water at his ass. Then Vanessa, LiQi and MuiHwee joined in the splashfest and we were gangbanging shim hardcore. Then after that we changed and worked on our group cheer. We had to pick the song, 'Dancing Queen', by ABBA. Dots. then we had our dinner and our group performance. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
YAY!!! Unity got the most points!
SEE!!! I auctioned for it and it was SWEETS instead of PEBBLES. Then no one say thank you for my luck.

"Dancing Queen...feel the beat..." I'm like so noob up there lahx.

Civil Liberty...Erps...


Squad 3 UNITE!


2 new teacher officers-Ms Leow and Mr Tee.
This section is in the eyes of the GAY KING, JOSEN. whatever quote is from him, not me. Duhx.
The gay formula for his name is:
JOSEN <----through rejection by ZiLing----> JOSIE + JASON
"YES!!! All guys come to me!!! I shall rape all of you!!! MMMMEEEEOOOOWWW!!!"
"It feels so good to love guys and to be loved by guys!!! PPPPUUUURRRRRR!!!"
At the ending of the camp, ZiLing never made it back in time. Sianx. Then the Camp Coodinator(me) and Assistant Camp Coodinator(yongkiong) were supposed to be the last to leave and our last task was to wash the whole container of the lemon squash drink, but yongkiong was one of the first few to leave. Then KoonHeng helped me and ZuoHeng too. Then ZhenHui's group was waiting for me too but I had a ride already. Then came home and here I am now. Thanks alot to the leisure camp committee and group ICs and whoever helped in this camp. This is me signing off with a
Saturday, July 14, 2007
11:10 AM
Today was supposed to be Area Games Day. I sacrificed it to go ndp. I ended up being reserve and didn't march at all. That means I sacrificed something for nothing. I'm remaining calm now as I gotten over it over 7 ccups of coffee and 1 cup of tea. I shall now talk about yesterday.
Yesterday, was quite an interesting day. I had a Maths test, which was quite murderous. However, I manage to finish all the questions except one. So I lost about 6 marks. After school, I changed into my Unity Survivor tee shirt and accompanied Serene and Liqi to change, but I didn't went in to the girls' room of course. When Liqi was changng, I turned on the music relatively loud and the short yet naggy Mr Ng came out of the lab to lecture me. I wa supposed to have a parents letter with me to allow me to use a handphone. Then I was rebutting everything he said and he just ended his nag with,"Next time other teachers are going to confiscate it." Erps. Whatever. You are practically the only teacher who would like people to hate you for confiscating mobile phones after school, aside from Mdm Yeo. Then I had a quick snack and went to Siti's house with the other two. We then returned to school and fall in at the big head. We then boarded the bus and the bus was like an oven. We waited for ZiLing, Vanessa and Fabian as they were having their titration practice with Mr Tien. Then we left to the place for laser quest. It was pretty fun, I got -30 for the first round. But I got 50 for the second round. The second round was more motivating as I was so tempted to KILL the gay. In the room, whenever shim saw me, Shim would be shot by me and shim wouldn't dare to shoot me. After the thing we returned to school and the leisure camp committee members had to stay back. I got scolded by Sir Derrick for being a bad Conducting Officer. Note to all the kind people there, I brokedown cos of stress and depression and not because of being scolded.
After that Siti and Liqi and I went to cp and they were really nice as they consoled me. Thanks dearest mother and sister. After they left I had dinner there at the Kopitiam with my family. After that I went home and bathed and prepared for ndp. Blah blah blah then I went to bed. !ZzZzZzZzZ!. Having nightmares of tomorrow.
Friday, July 6, 2007
8:31 AM
Today was the P.O.P and promotional ceremony. Today is also the day I have a fever. 38.6 degrees Celsius. I shall write about what happened to me the whole day.
During school
The day started out badly when I woke up and my throat was feeling itchy. I felt unwell too. There was PE too. I remembered Ms Pey said that she will not excuss us frm PE if there was no MC. In school, we heard that Ms Pey was on course so there may not be PE. But there was a substitute, Ms Toh, so I had to run 3 rounds in school. After PE, it was recess and I didn't eat at all. Then rushed to class 3c for the POP stuff. I brought queue cards for my MC role. Then the 'Z' in the name 'ZhongKai' dropped off from the cup and now it spells as 'HongKai'. Lol. Then after recess I rushed back to class for Maths. After that was Biology.
After school
Liqi, Serene and Beatrice came to find me to tell me that sister dearest, Siti, was crying cos of me. Appearently, she misunderstood me when I said I was sick and she thought she needed to write the speech for me. She was really moody cos she hasn't studied for her inter-quiz competition stuff. Sorry dearest sister. Then after they left for hta, I was left alone to write the speech. Then we went down to fall in and Sir Dickson was really kind and patient with us. We were just staying quiet and not answering his questions but he still remained calm. Then we went to the np room to get twine and Mdm ShuTing was really fast when she got it for us. When we left, shareen came and we greeted her. 'Where is your salute?' she said, in a sarcastic and pissed off voice, in her pt kit. 'What the fuck is wrong with her?!' we thought. Saluting her when she is in pt kit? Piang is she bonkers? Then we ran up to the meeting room and we started decorating and I was finishing the rest of my speech. I help with the decorations soon after and we were left less than an hour to finish up. Then the fucking shareen told us to go down to fall in cos she wants to talk to us. We were pretty dulan cos she is a bloody burden and she is giving us more problems when there is already a huge load for us. The reason she told us to come down was to say that our bagdes were overlapping and out uniform etiquette sucks! What the FUCK! Can't this wait? We have more impotant stuff to do than listening to your worthless blabbering! Then also wanted to tell us that today was the promotional ceremony and POP ceremony. Wow! This is such a piece of surprising news were 'don't know' of. After her kaopeh session ended, we were left with 15 minutes to decorate the whole auditorium. We were still lacking of twine so asked her to take some for us. She took way longer than Mdm ShuTing. When sh went into the np room, countless middle fingers were launched at her. We also bought bottle drinks up even when we weren't supposed to. After decorating halfway we were again told to head down to the promo ceremony. We were demoralized, and weren't happy about being promoted. I am now SGT Nigel, not STG Nigel. The stupid gay started saying shim was promoted to STG. Bleahx. Dots. Shim must have came up with STG cos shim wanted to mean that STG stands for 'Sergeant Terrifying Gay'. During the promotion, shareen was like 'You call this neat?!', talking about the ranks. She was also standing in front of the camera so that she could be in every photo. UUGGGHH! Stop spoiling the photos BITCH!!! After the promo ceremony, she shouted ''RESPECTIVE ICs PLEASE TAKE OVER!!!'' Everyone was stoning there, ya right we know what to do! Then Vanessa and ! wanted to take a photo but shareen said to us in mandarin,"Don't take already don't take already''. Slut ass! When we went up to the auditorium to finish the rest of the decorations, we took a sip from our sweet drinks in front of her. She was like saying,''Where's my drink?'' She then took a sip out of Liqi's drink without asking and still had the cheek to say, "Aiya...nevermind lahx''. Vanessa and I also found out that the gay wore purple spectacles, which was the international gay colour. She then read my speech and Vanessa took Siti's place. Sharren then told us to rewrite all over again. We were like so FUCKED UP then. Then after rewriting she decided to change the sequence again and we had to change it again. after that she was still not happy with the sequence and she told us to change it again. We were about to burst as were left with less than 5 minutes to rehearse. Then she did the most fucked up thing. She deleted the last part of the video Kenny they all made, which was the most memorable part. Everyone in the squad was targetting vulgarities at her ever since they found out about it. I had to admit I totally sucked as an MC. I shall give up my hopes of impressing people with me being an MC. After that was a temporary period of EMOing. I was sad as the POP ended that fast and the next day was ndp rehearsal. Then I had some mee siam from the buffet. Then I left schol with Siti and Liqi.
After NPCC
We took 372 to compass point and I bought cupwalker. Then I left them and I was waiting for my parents to come. I was really ill at that time and I had to sit down to wait for my parents. Then my dad accompanied me to the clinic and my temperature was 38.6 degrees Celsius. Then after the visit to the doctor I went home with no strength at all. I felt like a cripple as I couldn't a muscle. Then I went to had my dinner(didn't finish it), took a nice cold bath and went to bed. Whoots! no need go ndp tomorrow~!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
7:24 AM
Went to the POP preparation today. Tedious but fun. Dun wanna talk about it, cos there is not much to say and the memories shall always stay in my heart. I've post some photos of our atc camp, though I wasn't in the picture. Empathized on the gay. I'll let the pictures do the talking...literally.

Sunday, July 1, 2007
8:29 PM
First post of July! Not gonna post a long one. Just wanna post what the gay wrote in his blog after I flamed him. Just to give him a wake up call from his forever gay delusional world. O wait. He deleted hi post! LOL! Well he should because I was practically making fun of every sentence he wrote. And he goes to church?! He even claimed that he is rich and the reason why I flamed was because I am poor?! How shameless can he get? Anyway his link is
I linked him so you all can go straight to his blog. His link is the 'GAY JOKES OF THE DAY!'.