Friday, June 29, 2007
7:15 AM
Today was so tiring. We had PE in the morning. We had to run 2 rounds around the school. Luckily Ms Pey knows that our stamina meter is like zero so she gave us 7 mins to run. I was seriously disappointed in myself. My legs were like jelly after the first round. Then in the last round I manage to overtake Oli, YunnHann, Kassandra and Cheryl when we near the finishing line. After PE I didn't eat at all, all the sweat must have went to my stomach and made me full.
After school, ZiLing, Vanessa and I made the nominal roll and we rushed to eat and change and go to the parade. I was perspiring 24/7. Then we had our respective roles and I had nothing to do so I just took care of the nominal roll. It is so frustrating lahx. It took a day to have the all the sec3 to fill in their particulars. First parade as an NCO, not used to it at all, im like so extra there larhx. No lectures. And I keep feeling that the CIs are disappointed in me for not planning the leisure camp well. Feeling demoralized. Well, I feel that no one understands me enough, so I created this friend test.

Create your own Friend Test here
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
7:18 AM
Sianx. Didn't plan on blogging today. Haix. Just wanna post the Jigoku Shoujo commercial from Animax.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
9:15 AM
Just came back from ndp. Sucked as usual. Liqi told me the Hell Correspondance website, and i sent the name 'josen' to the Hell Girl. Why isn' she coming to give me the straw doll and say
'You called me?
My name is Enma Ai.
This is for you, if you truly wish to eliminate the person tormenting you, you must untie
that red string.
If you remove the string, you enter into an contract with me.
The one you seek to take revenge on will immediately be taken to hell.
However... if I deliver your vengeance, then you must make restitution to me.
When one person is cursed, two graves are dug.
And after you die, your soul shall fall into the pit of hell.
You will not be able to go back to heaven, you'll be plunged into pain and suffering, and
your soul shall be left to wonder for all eternity. But that is only after you die.
The rest is up to you... '

Friday, June 22, 2007
3:22 AM
Long time no post.xD Didn't feel like it anyway. Jus came back from pulau ubin ATC camp. It sucked and rocked in many ways. Well, 60% sucked and 40% rocked. Well, i found out there are more ferocious cadet inspectors from other schools in area 7. And let me empathize the word FEROCIOUS. Gals get scolded for not tying their hair right after they just finish showering??? What the fuck is with that? And we seriously thrown our schools face. We are sec 3 for god's sake, and we still don't know how to pitch a tent?!?!?! Well, frankly, i don't know too, but hey i was only taught once, last year, but the other guys and gays have been learning for the past semester, and still don't know? We were then separated into groups with other people from other schools. We introduced ourselves and ma'am Shareen told us to come up with an adjective to describe ourselves. My word was 'EMO'. The dinner sucked. We HAD to eat cooked food as in instant noodles. I didn't wanna eat. Surprising but true. No one wanted to eat in fact. We just wanted to go home. It's a good thing im in ndp so i can go home early. I didn't bathe at all yesterday and i was stinky like hell. Today i woke up at 5.30am. Didn't even brush my teeth. Then some of us were late and all had to be in pumping position. When we stood up my legs were trambling like im gonna fall down any moment. Then we had breakfast and i only ate 3 pathetic biscuits. After that we went to try out the high elements with people from Macau. We had to walk on a thin piece of rope, then walk on the ladder and jump to another ladder(horizontal), and walk on a thin log and flying fox back to the stand, all 7 metres above the ground. It was quite fun. But the bad thing is that everything above the ground likes to shake alot, So every step i took i will ask myself 'Do i have Life Insurance?!' and say to myself 'You are going to DIE!'. Well the dying part i was like 'Hey dying is a good thing! Let's just untie the rope and fall!'. After that ZiLing and i went to the ferry terminal with th muslim guys and we took a boat back to the mainland. We then took 109 to cp and had lunch at Yoshinoya. Kinda feel bad for Shawn, the other ndp guy, who is going home tomorrow morning at 7 am and expected to reach hta by 9.45am. Then i reached home really really really tired and emo, cos ndp is tomorrow.
Now im gonna talk about the Kukup trip. Didn't take a lot of photos. It was quite boring, cos there was little shopping. I woke up at 5am in the morning, and went to school at 5.40am. I could finally wear the shirt i bought a few weeks ago. We then went to the Singapore customs and then went to Malaysia. Firstly we went have breakfast and i had bee hoon which was really cold and looked unhygienic. After that we went to the pewter factory and i bought a keychain, the only thing i could afford. There were other stuff like cups and plates which cost over a hundred ringgit. After that, we went to the 'so-called' pineapple plantation which looks more like a pineapple garden. There were no souvenir stores there and the pineapple museum is smaller than my house. Next, we went to Kukup and we rode on a boat to go to the middle of the sea where they catch the fishes. After that, we went to have our lunch where the interesting part was. I sat with Olivia, Kim, Jeanette, Kia Wee, Ian, Mr Tien, Ms Chin and last but not least... AARON. Apparently, i'm not the person with the biggest appetite in the class...Aaron is. Well, i don't really see Jeanette eating at all, actually she's obsessed with fish and she dissected 3 plates of fish. That's ok because fish is healthy but Aaron is just scary. He is obsessed with cereal prawn and he finished around 4 plates of prawn. I was also quite fond of the cereal prawn but i liked the cereal more than the prawn, so i ate the cereal alone. Aaron was asked by Mr Tien to go to the girl's table cos a lot of food were left there. I told him that there was cereal prawn there too, then he suddenly said 'WHERE?! WHERE?!'. Then he went up to me and used his bare hands to take the cereal and 'devoured' and wiped the excess on the plate. I was seriously disgusted by it. Hence his nickname, 'DEVOURER'. Then we went to the mangrove swamp and there was this thing that showed how far other countries were from there.
Quite interesting.

On our way.

Welcome to my world of negativity. Only viewable in my eyes.

On our way.

In my eyes.
Then we went to the southernmost tip of Asia. 'Hooray' for us!!!
the southern most tip of Asia.
In my eyes.
Saw some monkeys on the way back to the coach.
After that, we went home and you all should know the rest. ZzZzZ...
P.S.: Someone please give YiHao some fashion advice!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
8:49 AM
Went to the core group meeting today. Only me, Siti and Liqi came for the meeting. WE were supposed to meet Sir Derrick at Raffles but since only 3 people went, We just meet our seniors instead. We went to BK at around 8.15am. All of us ate the same thing. Then nco Daniel came and then after an hour of wait, ma'am Jocelyn (small) finally came. We started listing down the members of our core group. Lets see...Serene, Guowei, Kenny, Siti, Liqi, me, Brian, and lastly and unfortunately, the bloody fuckin gay. By the way...these are the roles for the core group people.
Head- Guowei
Vice-head- Kenny
Secretary- Serene
Counsellors- Siti
Bloody fuckin gay
Well, im not gonna write down everything told to us. I'll say if there's time. Finally, i can say what i wanna say. GOSSIP!!! Apparently, ma'am Jocelyn has a book that writes everything said in the meetings. Then she has the header, Gossip!, on one page and the 3 of us started taking turns to talk about other people's 'weaknesses'. I didn't wanna started first cos i was saving up energy to talk about the gay. It was finally my turn and i started talking about him. Ma'am Jocelyn was actually taking notes. My talk on the gay covered one page and that was the end of part one. Part two also covered one page. We practically stayed in BK for 4 hours. Then we went to Timezone then we had lunch. Then we bought Cupwalker and we went home. End!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
9:47 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
6:34 AM
What a tiring two day course!!! Just came back from Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course(LMSC). It sucked on the first day. It's like, i still have many stuff to do, and yet i m at the damned hta doing this course which doesn't even give badges. I was really emo then, then we had to form a squad with Naval Base Sec. I was reluctant then, and was even more reluctant when my head started pounding. Our squad was Squad 4, and our instructor was Sir Junyi. He's quite nice, and said he we could tell him if we were not interested. Well, a number of people told him, but he manage to counsel them to go back to the course. I told him too, but never expected myself to breakdown in front of him. He then took me to call Mr Tien and he manage to convince me to go back to the course. I was reluctant, but i just finished it. I also changed my mind about Naval Base Sec, i guess their ok. The second day, today, had a rough start but was ok eventually. The morning was ruined when Miss Ashikin gave out the badges and the gay got the badge. Well, it was the marksmanship so of course i didnt get it. I didn't even a bullet on the target board. He/she got 12 on it. Come to think of it, he/she shouldn't have a problem getting it, his eyes are sharper than an eagle's. When he's free, he trains his eyes by looking out the window, and look out for guys. It should be like, " Oh my God! a hunk there! there's one too! and there! " 'Nice' training. Then we reached hta, only to be greeted by a fat kaopeh-ish CI, Chi Peng. Then we started bonding and was quite fun.Well, the biggest challenge is to keep myself awake during the lecture. Haha.
Monday, June 11, 2007
4:20 AM
Fuck! i jus found out the most fucked up thing. It appears that fuckin ndp rehearsal clashes with the not fucked up area games day. Sianx. And also it appears that my brother and i are more in common than we thought. We both have gays harassing us. The gay that harassing me is not really harassing me anymore, just giving a molestic look everything i happen to look at him. His face may be blank, but it speaks 4 words, '' I'M GONNA RAPE YOU!!! " Now lets talk about the gay that is harassing my brother, and somewhat me too. This gay is sorta like the crazy guy from the anime 'Girl From Hell' episode 2. The shows nice by the way. Anyway, this gay calls everyday, seriously, and keep talking to my brother. He starts calling from 8am to as late as 11pm. And he keep talking about games and whatever shit. Moreover, he is a water-lover, like me. FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! And he's not really the fit type. The number of triglycerides in his body is like 100000000000 more than me, which should be like a MOLE of a MOLE. Also the clothes he wears is like what a 5 year old wears, so it is like gonna tears any moment. I bet his clothes are tearing right now as he speaks. Then he did something sickening to me this year. Last year, he sorta hypnotized my brother to 'lend' him my Final Fantasy IX cds. For the whole December holidays, he refuses to return it and so i couldn't play for like 2 months, even though i had Kingdom Hearts to keep me company. So finally i told my parents about it and they fetched me and my brother to his house just to get. We are kind to go all our way to his house to take it and you know what? He still refuses and pushes my brother to the gate. Ok just let me blow off some steam first. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!
Ok. Lets continue. So he goes into his room and refuses to come out. His mother is also there at the scene and suddenly give this fuckin attitude and said in this sarcastic tone to my brother, ''So playing the game will get you 100 marks for PSLE?" Its my game, not my brother's, so why don't you just talk to me? Then in the end i have to come up with a lie that i need cos my fren wanna borrow so he finally give it back. From then on, me n my brother hated him ever since. More revenge shall be planned in the future. Beware, Jiawei!

Saturday, June 9, 2007
8:44 AM
Just came back from ndp. I haven't been posting these days is because my mind is filled with 100% emo energy. Seriously sianx. I dunno whether should i continue with this ndp. It's not doing anyone good...especially me. Half of my mind says i should stop so as to cease me from suffering, while the other half says i should just finish the damned thing and get it over with to get those bloody cca points. Well, with npdp parade(1 cca point) and this ndp parade(2 cca points) means i get a total of 3 cca points this year, which is already 1 grade. Expected at least 6 cca points, but i guess this will do. I got a sunburn also. Now i look like a retarded lobster. I can't believe there was a sleepover at DoDo's house and no one told me. Paranoia is filling my mind right now. Anyway... I also got these tees from bossini.

This is my favourite... Kinda decrease my emo-ness by 10%.

This sorta increases my emo-ness by 10%.

Well this one kinda give me a punk vibe or something like that. These tees really contented me after this tedious week. Peace.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
6:19 AM
Don't feel like posting a long entry today. As usual, i went to the ndp rehearsal again. Just wanna say that the cameraman during the actual ndp is not giving us enough credit. The president sits in his big shiny car with air-con driving at slower than a snail and we are outside standing just for him. I'm not trying to say that the president is a slacker, just that we should get more of the limelight and everyone watching on tv should focus on us more. We trained for more than 2 months and i seriously think we should be more appreciated.
P.S. : NDP does not rawks!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
8:22 AM
Went to Paragon today. Had dinner at a chinese restaurant, Din Tai Feng, with my family and relatives. The waitress there were like telepathic or something. Just when she took our orders, another served our food just as the previous one walked away. The service there is just too fast! My aunt accidentally spilled tea on the table and suddenly we heard running footsteps and a waitress just appeared to clean the mess. When we left, those telepathic waitresses just rushed up to us and bid farewell. After that we went to Takashimaya. I was goin to buy Orange Julius but the ice-cream machine happened to be spoiled. RAWR!!! But i did buy 3 shirts from bossini which made me quite contented. Haix...don't feel writing anymore. There's still another rehearsal tomorrow. Signing out.
Monday, June 4, 2007
8:49 AM
Todae is dodo's birthday. In the morning, dodo, ellin, sher, cheryl, oli, and i went to cp to have breakfast at BK. After that we went to his house. My ps2 was stagnating at his house for a week. We were then lookin at ncss's blog and laughing like hell. We were oso playing my ps2 and oli manage to break my record on the winnie the pooh balloon bounce. But i manage to beat her's at 7993 points. Haha! Beat that oli and ellin! Ya then we played Grand Theft Auto and ellin was owning the game. We used a whole bunch of cheat codes and had a great laugh with all the prostitutes chasing us and cars floating about and cars exploding. Quite a nice day... now back to emo self.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
8:38 PM
Went to the NDP rehearsal yesterday. Nothing much to say, except that it SUCKED!!! We were training for more than 5 hours and expected us to remain alive. Come on! We are only 15 year olds! After the training, i went to amk hub to meet my parents. We went to the food court and i saw Wenxin there. I reached home unable to move my body. God! There's still more than 10 rehearsals left.
Friday, June 1, 2007
7:17 AM
Went to class outing today. Before that... we went to skool for class deco. I didn't really went to help. I jus bought BK there to eat and find my file. It was actually at home. Phew! After that we for Pearl and went to her home to change and went to cp. Such a disappointment. Less than 20 people came. We were planning to go Vivo but many said it sucked so we went to plaza instead. We ate at the food court. We then went to watch Shrek 3 and it was quite ok. Its funny...especially the snow white parts. I was going to sit beside aaron but luckily we just sit anyhow eventually. I ended up sitting beside Wenxin ad Oli. After that we went to the arcade and spent time for like an hour or so. I played bishibashi with Pearl and Olivia and we ended up losing together. LOL! We then went to Long John Silver and i ate the crunchy shrimp with salsa cheese. Mr Tien wanted it n like said 'i dun care' n just dipped on it. I don't mind...but i think aaron was oso like 'i don't care'. Can he have some common courtesy?!?! He is like so ugly with food. He doesn't 'EAT' food, i prefer the terms 'SAVAGELY DEVOURS' food. Ya then like i had to rush to Hougang Mall then everyone started leaving when i had to leave. Till now i still duno whether Mr Tien was jokin about goin to Jianyu's house. Guess he was. I wonder when the next class outing will be. I wanna watch Transformers!!!