The past npcc courses were not doin me any good. I can find the old me surfacing inside. I haven't saw my friends in 3E for a long time. I guess there's no one to control my emotions. I have been very short-tempered and angry these days. I thought being away from school would lighten me up a bit. Guess i was wrong. Imagine how i am gonna survive the whole June holidays without being thown into the loony bin? The world is cold. Its drivin me nuts. And the lonely friendless Nigel is coming back. Those that mean that 2F still lives? I don't know. I'm still trying to forget the shouting i got two days ago. I just cant help but call him a FUCKER! Then thoughts of that psycho murderer keep popping in my head. I guess its because of that pair of scissors in my pencil case. I could have just stand up and stab him in the heart with that pair of scissors. Yup...that psychopath is me. Still thinkin of it. Just can't stop. I need help. But no one cares. I'm a beggar at the streets holdin a cup, and everyone just spits into it.
8:13 AM
The past two days sucked hardcore!!! Yesterday, i went for the Police Knowledge Course. It was super duper boring! We were in an air-con room with comfy chairs in our full-uniform. The lecture was damn boring...which obviously made us sleepy. Me, too, was sleepy. But, i was sufferin from a migraine which made me really unwell. Then, this cadet inspector, name Shafik B M S, came around looking for sleepers. I decided to lay my head on the chair and closed my eyes, trying to get rid of this headache. Then that mother-fucker came and told me to go wash my face. I said no need and he shouted at me, ''GO AND WASH YOUR FACE!!!'' Fucked up! I know i m slimmer than him but he dun nid to get jealous! CORPULENT SLUT!!! FATASS!!! He practically made more than 10 schools look at me at one time!!! GRRRR!!! But still, it was memorable cos i met other NPDP people like emilie.

Today, he kept shouting at us for being inconsiderate. WTF! What about him?! He was distracting us with his kao-pehing during the lecture and its not inconsiderate??? He serious should shut his gap! Then he suddenly told us his past. Apparently, he started smoking when he was Primary 4. He had a gang and was arrested twice. He stayed in the police station for 24 hours but his mother didn't wanna bail him out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Too bad eventually he got out. GRRRR!!! Then said that he joined NPCC and it changed his life (and turned him into a mother-fuckin bastard!) Then we took the test and went home. Sianx.
Monday, May 28, 2007
2:36 AM
Went to cp todae to discuss about the camp... Made me really pissed off. That FUCKED UP Brian is so frustrating! Just tell him to make a few calls and he starts complaining like a big baby! Can someone just tell him to shut the fuck up?!?! He wants to be in the committee yet doesn't want to do the job. And suddenly i m picked to be the group CI??? WTF is that? I m already so stressed out to be in charge of this camp n everyone still picks me to be a Group leader?! That Brian is such a pain in the butt... actually everywhere. He talks the talk but can't walk the walk. If he doesn't want to help he could just get lost!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
12:48 AM
I am so pissed off. The greatest camp happened to clash wif the NDP rehearsal. Cos' of tat... i couldn't go to camp and share all those great memories wif them. They always have to make all the rehearsal sound like the actual day itself. So much happened these few days...not enough time to blog them all. I guess I'm gonna post them all at once.
On thursday... we didn't have to go to school. At 8.30am, i went out wif serene n mui hwee to hougang mall. We were like choosing wad to eat and finally picked Macdonald's. I ate the bagel n almost puked when i ate the tomato inside. We then took the mrt to Redhill which took about 40 minutes or so.

We thought we were early but we didn't know that Sir Dickson was already waiting for us. We walked a really long distance, with my PS2 in my bag, before we reached the shop. The shop owner was ready to leave the store when we came. Then she givin us the attitude lyk some bitchy old hag. She was scoldin Sir Dickson and treating us lyk some piece of shit. After that... we walked to the mrt station and went back to sengkang. We walked back to NCHS and the prize-giving ceremony was about to end. I was planning to join the others for class-decorating but olivia happened to be sick so she couldn't make it. With no where else to go, I turned to DoDo and fortunately he was inviting Eunice, Cheryl, Ellin and Shermaine over to his home. We watched Pan's Labyrinth and it was SPECTACULAR!!! After that i was playing my ps2 and i finally defeated Xemnas. Ellin and Cheryl called and asked if we would like to watch Pirates of the Caribean. I agreed and we left for Plaza. We bought the tickets and found out Ellin had already bought for us. DoDo took it quite well after wasting $16. We also met Cheng Siong, Jolin, WenXin and Jonathan in the arcade. Cheng Siong said to stay for the scene after the end credits of the show. Thanks! Ya and it was quite a nice show, even though i didn't watch the second movie.
On Friday... the camp instructors came to NCHS to do some camp activities. My class had Wana, quite fun and hyper. Sadly, i couldn't go cos of the stupid ndp. Also, the sec 3 squad went to Choa chu kang home team academy for live shooting. I sucked. I had 18 bullets and none of them touched the target board. So, i got a big 0 n everyone started calling me bobo shooter. Even tat gay got 12 shots in the board. GRRRRRRRR! O well, its just a badge. We were then waiting for the bus and i was ready to rush for the backseat. Then Brian was givin this fuckin attitude when Siti and I beat him to it. While the rest go to camp, the rest of us had to carry their bags to the np room, but i don't mind. The sucky thing is that josen gay is not going to camp, and he is helping us with the bags. I liked carrying those bags, sorting them too. But the du lan thing is that he only carried one bag. As we were in the bus, Liqi and i were talking about josen really loudly, just so that he could it. How evil are we! So after we reached school and placed all the bags in the np room, Liqi and i went to cp and bought CUPWALKER! Quite a fun yet displeasing day.
On Saturday... it was quite a fast that past by just like that. That's maybe because i was at the stupid ndp the whole day. So not worth it. I was perspiring like hell there. When it finally ended, we were waitin for the bus when i saw Mei Jun wearin the class t-shirt to the campsite. The bus arrived and it took us to Yishun mrt station, in our full u! Everyone was lookin at us and we were forced to change in the toilet, which smells. Zi Ling and i then when to ang mo kio and my parents drove her home. On the way, Zi Ling told me the most yuckiest thing ever about the gay, which told me that he/she was once a guy.
Todae... I went back to school to welcome back 3E and my squad. I bought toblerone for 3E and m&m's for my squad. I oso got the report book. Class position 12. Level position 88. I SUCK!!!!!!!!! Guess i have climb the ladder all over again. My parents then kept scoldin me for buyin those chocolates to win the 'nicest guy award'. Can't they tell that i have 2 personalities- pessimistic and sociable in school and short-tempered and rebellious at home. Why can't just let me have a decent bunch of friends? I know they didn't had any when they were young but that doesn't mean i have to follow them! Then olivia's dad fetched Charmaine and me to cp. The day ended wif my parents yelling at me for being an unreasonable brat that is driving them to death. Life sucks!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
9:01 AM
Hmmm...i duno how i should feel today. Angry or sad. got shouted at by Tien. wad an unlucky day. I got another scolding from my parents after npcc. N i jus found out tat my role as an NCO is just a pathetic sec 1 lecturer. GRRRRRR! Moreover...tat gay(josen) has a better role than me!!! wad is wrong with the people who select these roles??? Can't they see how much i spent tyme on npcc? Hope Tien gets well soon... or else he is gonna shout at us all day.Loads of people got shouted at today...thank god its over. Newae... i was really worryin for my life when josen was standing behind me at npcc jus now. I was afraid he would feel my ass or something. I guess he heard everyone tokin about how horrendous his unsightly hairstyle he got a hair cut. But still...his new hairdo only makes him less uglier. Lyk from a scale from 1 to 10...with 10 the ugliest...i would rate it 100000000000000 He seriously needs to get a reality check. There are not many who can except gays in this world...i advice him to get therapy or something...just to get him straight.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
7:11 AM
Today i started blogging. Well i dun have much to say... just tat i started dislikin tis person in klas. actually i hated a lot of people in class. Right now i placed my hatred for Yihao aside and concentrated on those hate-worthy people like aaron and that gay. Hmmm... didn't do well for MYS. only one A1 and one A2. Seriously...i lead a suckish life only worth living cos of my awesome friends in NCHS. Lurb them! Bt still, i feel tat a lot of people hate me... even after 2F '06 has been erased from the face of the earth... to me it is. Everyone else keeps saying the crappiest statement, '2F lives on!!!'. Yuck! Earth to everyone...2F
went to HELL,
burnt in HELL,
stayed in HELL!
Phew! blew off some steam... Newae... being hated doesn't affect me. Its just tat i find it lame sometimes when i found out why those people hate me. I guess i'll end tis entry here... Wish everyone who reads tis to have a Happy Holiday!